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From urban waste to sustainable value chains: linking sanitation and agriculture through innovative partnerships in Sri Lanka


The project ‘From urban waste to sustainable value chains: linking sanitation and agriculture through innovative partnerships’ is funded under the Knowledge and Linkages for an Inclusive Economy Grants Program of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. This project seeks to answer the question: “What are the enablers and barriers for public and private institutions in Sri Lanka to advance the implementation of sustainable and innovative value chains to improve sanitation, health and food security?”

The project will establish the knowledge, linkages and policy foundations for enabling local entrepreneurs and policy-makers to implement innovative value chains that determine how organic urban waste and sanitation systems can be transformed to deliver smallholder farmers with agricultural inputs.

The policy impact of the project lies in identified synergies between agriculture, health and sanitation sectors to drive organic waste value chains. Through partnerships with the government, research institutes, the private sector and NGOs, as well as an innovative stakeholder engagement strategy, the project aims to establish an evidence base for driving policy dialogue, reducing policy fragmentation and promoting coordinated action.



  • 2018-2021


  • DFAT



Icon for SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities

This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goal 11

Read about ISF's SDG work