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Technical support services for ACFID’s Climate Action Peer Learning Program

Sandy beach with palm trees and huts in the Pacific.

This project continues the ongoing partnership between the UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) and the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID). 

ACFID is the peak body for Australian NGOs working in international development. ACFID plays important roles in advocating to the Australian government on aid funding and allocations, including on climate change.

Since 2022, ACFID’s Development Practice Committee (DPC) and ISF have collaborated to support the operationalisation of ACFID’s Climate Action Framework, which was developed to increase ACFID members’ engagement and action on climate change.

In 2023, ISF developed a Learning Report for ACFID, which revealed that ACFID members: 

  1. have a strong appetite for collectively engaging in climate-related conversations and activities
  2. value learning from practical examples shared by peers
  3. are interested in ongoing upskilling and learning opportunities.

In response to the findings, ACFID designed the Climate Action Peer Learning Program (CAPLP), to bring together its members to build confidence and capacity in climate action in operations, programming and advocacy. The role of ISF was to provide technical advice during the design phase, review the program’s MEL plan, facilitate two knowledge-building webinars, lead policy ‘write-shops’, and co-facilitate the final workshop which was hosted at UTS.

The CAPLP was implemented from March to June 2024, with 34 organisations participating. ISF identified key insights from the monitoring and evaluation data and found that after participating in the CAPLP:

  • there was a significant positive change in participants' knowledge, skills, and confidence to lead and implement climate action
  • participating organisations increased their confidence in understanding and implementing the revisions to the updated ACFID Code of Conduct related to climate action.



  • 2023-2024


  • Australian Council for International Development


Icon for SDG 13 Climate action

This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goal 13.

Read about ISF's SDG work