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Sustainable organic waste value chains Phase 2

Man picking tea leaves during sunny day in Sri Lanka

The Government of Australia through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), has invested $500,000 AUD to develop sustainable organic waste value chains in Sri Lanka. 

Led by the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF), the Sustainable Organic Waste Value Chains project will help address food insecurity in urban-rural fringe areas and strengthen urban waste management in Sri Lanka. 

Food security is a pressing issue for many Sri Lankans today. This project will help households and farmers produce organic products that will improve food production.

– Paul Stephens, Australian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka

Demonstrating strong Australia-Sri Lanka collaboration, ISF has partnered with the International Water Management Institute, Janathakshan GTE Ltd, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankan Department of Agriculture to pilot the project in Kaduwela Municipal Council, before expanding to other areas in Sri Lanka.

“This project offers an opportunity to bring together multiple actors often working separately to strengthen collaborative practice, expertise and insights to develop circular economy value chains”, said ISF Research Director, Dr Keren Winterford.

Previous research from this partnership has demonstrated the technical, market and policy opportunities to develop a circular economy that links waste systems and agriculture in Sri Lanka. Our results identified specific options for building future sustainable organic waste value chains in a dynamic political environment. A circular approach can mitigate two major sustainable development challenges for Sri Lanka: food insecurity in peri-urban areas and urban waste management.

“Food security is a pressing issue for many Sri Lankans today. This project will help households and farmers produce organic products that will improve food production,” said Australian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, Paul Stephens. 

The project is funded through Australia’s Knowledge and Linkages for an Inclusive Economy Grants program, which focuses on strengthening partnerships between Australian and Sri Lankan organisations.



  • 2022


  • Sri Lanka


  • DFAT



Icon for SDG 1 No poverty
Icon for SDG 2 Zero hunger
Icon for SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities
Icon for SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals

This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goal 1, 2, 11 and 17

Read about ISF's SDG work