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Pacific Women Tonga evaluations

Project workshop

From April–June 2019, ISF conducted a summative evaluation of the Women and Children's Crisis Centre (WCCC) Program Against Violence Against Women, an initiative that aimed to eliminate violence against women and children in Tonga using a human rights framework.

The evaluation assessed the extent of progress by the project in achieving its outcomes and objectives. It also examined the impact of the project (or progress towards impact) in ending violence against women and children in Tonga, the extent to which the program demonstrated value for money, lessons learned about effective approaches and strategies and the extent to which these have contributed to ongoing benefits.

Also in 2019, ISF provided a formative evaluation of the Tonga National Centre for Women and Children (TNCWC) Women's Economic Empowerment (WEE) project. TNCWC's vision is to develop and promote a peaceful, safe and inclusive community in which the women and children of Tonga can live a healthy and happy life free of all forms of violence.

The TNCWC WEE project was a 20-month pilot program (2017–2019) supported by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through their Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women) program. 

ISF researchers conducted a formative evaluation to assess the progress of the WEE project against the short-term outcomes in the project's theory of change in its inception and pilot phases and provide recommendations for the remainder of funding support (14 months).

ISF's findings contributed to DFAT's Tonga Country Plan, which prioritises women’s economic empowerment, and funding for the women’s centres, to ensure continued provision of vital services to survivors of violence, as well as trialling prevention approaches in communities. It also supports work to strengthen best practice (including in monitoring and evaluation) across the many organisations that are delivering prevention programs in Tonga.



  • 2019


  • Tonga


  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)


  • Pacific Women


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This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goal 5

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