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‘Outcome Harvesting’ evaluation of the Australia Pacific Climate Partnership

An aerial shot of a village surrounded by trees

The Australian Pacific Climate Partnership aims to increase the effectiveness of Australia's support for climate change and disaster resilience in the Pacific. The Climate Partnership developed a Performance Assessment Framework that sets out ways of climate-disaster integration for Australian aid delivery partners; various ways for Pacific partners to use this support for their own resilient development and identified ways to benefit Pacific communities regarding inclusive resilience to climate change and disasters. The Climate Partnership faced several challenges in accruing evidence of outcomes - around 200 aid investments in the Pacific; diverse sectors and approaches to aid delivery; various reporting lines and accountabilities of partners. Therefore, collecting credible data about DFAT’s climate-disaster integration outcomes had been challenging for the Support Unit. 

UTS-ISF supported the Climate Partnership to overcome this challenge by conducting a learning evaluation, drawing on the ‘Outcome Harvesting’ methodology, to help to understand and document the main results and changes brought about by their contributions to climate change and disaster resilience integration. The evaluation also seeks to learn how different stakeholders have contributed to changes in climate and disaster integration in the Pacific. This work produced evidence which was key to the Climate Partnership’s reporting to DFAT, and informed key impact areas and focus areas for future programming by the Climate Partnership and DFAT.



  • 2021-2022


  • Pacific region


  • Palladium - Australia Pacific Climate Partnership Support Unit