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“I’m Prepared”: equality for refugee women

Women talking and looking at hand drawn chart along the floor

Research partners supported gender equality outcomes for refugee women in the process of returning and reintegrating to their communities.

Strengthening women’s leadership, resilience and encouraging gender equality are critical in the context of return and reintegration of refugees in India-Sri Lanka and Myanmar-Thailand border regions.

This research developed an evidence-base of an innovative refugee-led protection approach in partnership with Act for Peace, The Organisation for the Rehabilitation of Elangai/Eelam Refugees, and The Border Consortium. The “I’m Prepared” program was featured as a Good Practice on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ Global Compact on Refugees platform.

The research comprised a longitudinal study, providing insight into changes in gender equality and women’s empowerment. This research informed ongoing project implementation and contributed more broadly to community-based return and reintegration programs in other country contexts.



  • 2016-2021


  • India
  • Sri Lanka
  • Thailand


  • DFAT Gender Action Platform


  • Act for Peace
  • Organisation for Eelam Refugee's Rehabilitation (OfERR)
  • The Border Consortium (TBC)


Icon for SDG 5 Gender equality
Icon for SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals

This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 17

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