This program combines the Making Rights Real (MRR) and WASH Systems Strengthening Approach (SyStA) to motivate leaders to prioritise improving WASH services for all while contributing to broader improvements in WASH systems.
The program, led by Malteser International, is a close collaboration with WASH United, the German Toilet Organisation, UTS-ISF, and in-country partners: UNNATI in India, Rural Self-reliance Development Centre (RSDC) in Nepal, and Viva con Agua and Care and Assistance for Forced Migrants (CAFOMI in Uganda.
UTS-ISF is the research and learning partner and will support the program by developing a monitoring, evaluation and learning concept and accompanying tools that will enable the in-country NGO partners to measure the change they contribute to through the combined application of MRR and SyStA. UTS-ISF will also undertake the analysis of monitoring data across the program, identifying program-level insights and lessons.
UTS-ISF’s combined role of building capacity for monitoring, evaluation and learning among participating organisations and providing external evaluation will support the program’s outcome of improved knowledge and collaboration – both within the program as well as for a wider WASH sector audience, including at international fora.
Research Director
Senior Research Consultant
- 2022 - 2025
- India
- Nepal
- Uganda
- Malteser International
- WASH United