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Climate resilient and inclusive WASH systems in Cambodia

Man washing his hands

The research aims to support CSOs (Civil Society Organisations), water associations and government actors to adapt and implement guidelines related to climate resilient water resources management planning at varied scales in Cambodia (commune, district, catchment). It will support improved incorporation of climate-related risks and uncertainties to WASH service planning and management, as well as inclusive approaches drawing on co-production and systems thinking approaches.

The research questions we are responding to are:

1. In what ways are WASH CSOs and associations engaging in climate resilient water resources management planning at varied scales in Cambodia (commune, district, catchment)?

2. How can existing or new tools and frameworks for risk and resilient WASH assessment be used and adapted to meet the needs of WASH system actors in Cambodia to secure more climate resilient services?

  • How are CSOs and associations utilising recently released water safety planning tools issued by government agencies MRD and MISTI?
  • What are the incentives for implementation, and how can these incentives be better understood to drive uptake of tools and frameworks?

3. To what extent do new and existing tools and frameworks incorporate GEDSI and women’s leadership considerations and opportunities? How could they be improved?

Through participatory action research processes, and co-production methodologies, we will work with research partners to strengthen the capacity of actors to consider climate risks in the context of inclusive WASH.

Project partners include:

  • Cambodia Development Resource Institute
  • East Meets West/Thrive Networks
  • Cambodian Water Supply Association
  • WaterAid Cambodia
  • Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney



  • Cambodia


  • 2023-2025


  • Water for Women funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)


  • Cambodia Development Resource Institute
  • East Meets West/Thrive Networks
  • Cambodian Water Supply Association
  • WaterAid Cambodia


Icon for SDG 1 No poverty
Icon for SDG 5 Gender equality
Icon for SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation

This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goals 1, 5 and 6.

Read about ISF's SDG work