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Australian Council for International Development Climate Action Framework

Mangrove flower blooming

The Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) is the peak body for Australian NGOs working in international development. ACFID plays important roles in advocating to the Australian government on aid funding and allocations, including on climate change. Since climate change is an urgent issue requiring a response within all sectors and all scales across the globe, ACFID introduced Climate Action Framework to support Australian international development NGOs increase their engagement and action in climate change. The Climate Action Framework has provided a significant start to assist ACFID members working in international development with diverse organisational capacity and operational focus in terms of integrating climate change within their programming. However, many NGOs within the sector need more detailed guidance to integrate climate change effectively.

This project supports the operationalisation of the ACFID Climate Action Framework. Outputs describe evidence-based enablers of best practice of climate change integration, and case studies demonstrate innovative ways and transformative actions NGOs can adopt to integrate climate change at different scales - strategic, programmatic and operational, in their work.


  • 2022-2023


  • The Australian Council for International Development


Icon for SDG 13 Climate action

This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goal 13.

Read about ISF's SDG work
