Geoff Raby in conversation with Bob Carr

Deep reforms to push the Chinese economy from investment to consumption are taking hold as private business and investment begin to expand.
On June 22 2015 Dr Geoff Raby, in conversation with Professor the Hon Bob Carr, ACRI Director, discussed China's future economic prospects and how these would affect Australia’s medium term economic prospects.
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Dr Geoff Raby
Dr Raby was Deputy Secretary in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) from 2002 to 2006 and Australia’s Ambassador to China from 2007-2011.
In China, Dr Raby serves as Co-Chair of Corrs Chambers Westgarth’s China practice and as Vice Chairman of Macquarie Group (Greater China).
In recognition of his contributions to advancing relations between Australia and China, Dr Raby was made Friendship Ambassador to Shandong Province and an honorary citizen of Chengdu City.