The information below will only apply to students who are enrolled in our 100% online postgraduate courses. For more information about which courses these are, visit:
All commencing Post-Grad UTS Online students are required to complete OPELA in the first two weeks of their commencing session at UTS. Students that receive a Basic proficiency will be required to complete two by two-hour compulsory academic language development workshops.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Why do I need to complete OPELA?
The English Language Policy (the policy) sets out the framework for English language proficiency requirements and support at UTS. This is in addition to the Admissions and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy, which outlines the English language admissions standards. OPELA helps identify students who need help to develop their academic language to ensure that students meet the English language proficiency requirements for their course.
All students are required to complete an online post-enrolment language screening task. You may think that your academic language is sufficient for university study. However, we still require you to complete OPELA. It is only by screening all students that we can identify those who need language support. By completing OPELA you are helping us provide academic language and literacy support to students who may need it.
When is OPELA available to UTS Online students?
OPELA will be available to UTS Online students from study period 6, October 2022 onwards. Students will be informed about OPELA during their orientation weeks and will be able to access OPELA from their Canvas dashboard.
Do I need to prepare for OPELA?
No, you do not need to prepare for OPELA. OPELA is not a test, there are no preparation materials aside from the short practice exercises before each component of the OPELA task.
My first language is English. Do I still need to do OPELA?
Yes, you still have to do OPELA. OPELA focuses on your level of Academic English language, not your level of everyday English language.
Is my OPELA “result” included in my academic record?
No, OPELA provides a form of feedback for you to use rather than a “result”. Your OPELA information is not included in your academic record and will not appear on your official Academic Transcript or your Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS).
I have a disability which means I may not be able to undertake OPELA, or it may impact my OPELA result. What should I do?
Please register with the UTS Accessibility Service. Accessibility Services will then be able to refer students to the appropriate alternative arrangements.
What happens once I have completed OPELA?
Your result and feedback will be available to you at My Student Admin immediately after completing OPELA. If your result from OPELA is 'Basic Proficiency', You will be enrolled in our "Language strategies for success" workshop.
What does the feedback I receive mean?
The feedback provides you with a snapshot of your current academic proficiency as follows:
- Basic Proficiency: This suggests that you will need to spend a significant amount of time improving your Academic English throughout your degree. You will be enrolled in our "Language strategies for success" workshop. These workshops run in week three of each study period and are designed to help you with your academic English language.
- Intermediate proficiency: While it is likely students will be able to meet the demands of their course, they should further develop their language skills by accessing the language development activities, resources and services that are available. UTS HELPS is a great resource for students, and we highly recommend contacting them to assist with your studies.
- Good proficiency: Students have good foundations in academic language for university study. However, they should continue to further develop their language skills during their course.
What happens if I do not complete OPELA?
Language screening tasks are compulsory for all commencing students. If you do not complete OPELA, a sanction will be applied to prevent you from accessing your subject results and transcript in My Student Admin.
I have received a Basic proficiency in OPELA. What do I do next?
You will receive an email from directing you to your language development workshop, “Language Strategies for Success”. The workshop will appear on your canvas dashboard one week after completing OPELA and will contain information on how and when to attend.
When will the academic language workshops be held?
There are two two-hour workshops that are compulsory to attend. These workshops run in week three of each study period and are designed to help develop your academic English language. The workshops will be held in week 3 of each study period and you must attend both workshops before the end of study period 3. This means you can complete the first workshop in your first study period and then the second workshop in your second or third study period.
What happens if I do not attend the academic language workshop?
The workshops are compulsory for all students who receive 'Basic Proficiency' feedback. You must attend two workshops before the end of your study period three. If you do not attend both workshops before this time, a sanction will be applied to prevent you from accessing your subject results and transcript in My Student Admin.
How can I remove my sanction?
Your OPELA or academic language workshop attendance sanction can only be removed by the Academic Language and Learning (ALL) team. To remove your sanction, please contact the team after you have completed OPELA or met the attendance requirements of the workshop. Contact the team at
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