This checklist is for those involved with units/subjects/modules (considered at the level of the assessment task)
- How does the task develop students' capacity to assess
• their own work?
• the work of others? - Does the task encourage students to work productively with others (as distinct from collude with them)?
- How does the task develop students’ ability to think critically and make judgements about their work?
- What are likely students responses to the task? How can the task be framed to avoid inappropriate responses?
- Has feedback about earlier versions of the task been used to revise it?
- Is the task realistic or 'authentic' and linked to course learning outcomes as well as longer term learning aims?
- Does the task encourage students to position themselves as active learners?
- Is the task a learning activity in its own right and not just a compliance requirement?
- What particular capacities does the task help build in students?
- Have students had sufficient practice in some of the key areas being assessed (eg. through activities that are not formally assessed) for it to be a realistic task for them?
- Will the task focus students’ attention on productive learning activities and lead them away from 'cramming' and plagiarism?
- Is feedback used to help students calibrate their own judgements about their work
- Is feedback from both peers and staff used, and are tasks scheduled so that students are able to utilize comments from others to improve their work?
- How will the assessment task have a longer-term effect on students beyond the immediate period of assessment?