Magic Pudding Child Care Centre is located at 1 McKee St Ultimo, just 400m from the main Broadway campus of UTS.
Magic Pudding at a glance
Places: 61
Ages: 0-5 years
Enrolment: full and part-time
Opening hours 8.00am – 6.00pm, Monday to Friday. 50 weeks a year, excluding public holidays.
LEARN MORE ABOUT enrolment and fees
Centre philosophy
We are early childhood professionals and advocators for children, who recognise and advocate for the importance of the first 2000 days of a child’s life. We are privileged to be part of all children’s learning and holistic development at Magic Pudding.
We enrich children’s learning from birth to five years and through to their transition to school. We are experts and leaders in early childhood education, child development and theory. We support children’s cognitive, language, social, emotional and physical development. We see play as a form of research and provide children with endless learning opportunities that extend individual and group learning. We encourage children to be curious, experience joy, build resilience, experience moments of kindness and sense of belonging at Magic Pudding. Through our routines, transitions, rituals, learning environments and educational programs we advocate for children’s rights and dignity to be upheld and respected. Children are provided with choice, are encouraged to contribute and be part of the decision making.
“Magic Pudding educators teach our kids kindness and compassion. Supporting children to learn how to interact with each other. Preparing them for big school” – Magic Pudding family
Our indoor and outdoor learning environments are welcoming, vibrant, large and open spaces that are responsive to the interests and emerging strengths of each child. As part of our philosophy invite ALL children explore the outdoor spaces, through supporting children’s relationships, inclusion and interactions with their peers.
“I’m very impressed by a wide range of experiences children have a Magic Pudding. They learn about different cultures, interact with nature, learn how to care about each other and themselves. I’m very grateful to the Magic Pudding team for building such a creative environment” – Magic Pudding family
Our indoor learning environments reflect the lives and identities of children and families at Magic Pudding. We celebrate cultural diversity and inclusion through our educational programs, learning environments and embed this within our practice. We encourage families to visit the centre to share their culture and engage with support services and therapists to support inclusion for children with diversity. Our relationships and inclusion with children and families are what we are most proud of.
“I like learning about bugs and insects’ – Leif (child)
Our outdoor learning environments encourage children to take risks in their play through their climbing and engagement with recycled materials. Our outdoor learning environments have raised garden beds, stingless bees, chickens, worm farms, sand, bark, water and dirt for children to explore and supports their connection to the living and natural world and drives Our commitment to sustainable living and learning.
“You know the First People used to live at my daycare” – Elizabeth (child)
Through our engagement with local Elder Uncle Jimmy Smith the children have learnt about First Nation people, land and culture. Venturing beyond the gate with Uncle Jimmy learning about the Gadgial land through their walks on Country. Every day we acknowledge the First Nations people and pay respect to Gadigal land in which Magic Pudding stands on.
We also believe in building partnerships with UTS, the local and wider community. Children have been visiting the university, connecting with people and provided different learning opportunities through their engagement with the community. We value all stakeholders and are a huge part of our centre philosophy.
Contact us
Location: 1 McKee St, Ultimo NSW 2007
Postal address: PO Box 123, Broadway, NSW 2007
Tel: 9514 1047