The OLT project Student engagement in university decision-making and governance- towards a more systemically inclusive student voice was carried out 2015 to 2016 and looked at international experience and current practice in Australia in student engagement in decision making and governance.
The chief investigator for the project was Sally Varnham who is a Professor of Law in the University of Technology Sydney, Faculty of Law. Sally has extensive experience in governance roles within higher education as Chair of Academic Board, representative on University Council and Student Ombud and in mentoring student representatives on governance bodies. Sally has a longstanding interest in education and the law. Relevant research and initiatives that Sally has undertaken previously include the Report and good Practice Guide from the ALTC project Student Grievances and Discipline Matter Project 2009 which has been used by a number of Australian universities in reviewing their student grievance rules and procedures.
Associate Professor Bronwyn Olliffe, former Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) in the UTS Faculty of Law and former Student Ombud was a member of the project team along with Katrina Waite an academic developer with the UTS Interactive Media and Learning unit. Bronwyn and Katrina brought considerable relevant experience and expertise to the team including working with students in representative roles.
The project manager was Dr Ann Cahill, who has both taught and researched within the UTS Faculty of Law and has qualifications and extensive experience relevant to management activities.