UTS supports staff and students in affirming their gender identity.
For advice and assistance, please contact the UTS Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion on (02) 9514 1084 or equity@uts.edu.au.
UTS is committed to creating an inclusive culture where our staff and students feel they belong, can be themselves, and are provided with every opportunity to succeed. This includes our trans and gender diverse communities.
This guide aims to help trans and gender diverse members of our community navigate different systems and processes at UTS.
How to update your details at UTS
Updating your preferred name (first name)
Students can update their preferred name without any 'proof' (for example, without a change of name certificate, birth certificate, passport) via following the prompts on the 'Change of student details' form.
More info: https://www.uts.edu.au/current-students/managing-your-course/your-student-info/personal-details
For preferred first names, the employee just needs to email Payroll or HR Client Services with their request and this can be done easily in the NEO system. Once this is updated and confirmed in the NEO system, the employee just needs to contact ITD to make a request to have the preferred name listed in NEO mapped to their email, their email profile, staff card, Microsoft Teams etc. See information below.
Updating your legal name (first name or surname)
Current UTS Students are to submit TWO (one showing previous name and one showing new name) of the following documents to the 'Change of student details' form:
Drivers licence.
Photo card issued by a government agency.
Valid government travel document (e.g. passport).
A certificate from an Australian state or territory registry of births, deaths and marriages (e.g. marriage certificate, change of name certificate, birth certificate or divorce certificate).
More info: https://www.uts.edu.au/current-students/managing-your-course/your-student-info/personal-details
Send details and relevant certified copies of documents (birth certificate or change of name certificate issued by Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages or revised Australian passport) to hrclientservices@uts.edu.au and UTS Payroll employmentdata@uts.edu.au.
Updating your gender
UTS students and staff can update their gender. Gender can be recorded as M (male), F (female), or X (indeterminate/intersex/unspecified).
To update your gender, current UTS students are to submit ONE of the following to the 'Change of student details' form:
A statement from a registered medical practitioner.
A statement from a registered psychologist.
A valid government travel document (e.g. passport).
A certificate from an Australian state or territory registry of births, deaths and marriages (e.g. birth certificate, document recognising change of sex/gender).
More info: https://www.uts.edu.au/current-students/managing-your-course/your-student-info/personal-details
Note: Students can book into UTS Counselling to see one of the counsellors or psychologists there to provide a letter. There is no cost involved. Do not book in with an intern psychologist as they cannot issue this letter.
To update your gender, current UTS staff must send ONE (certified copy) of the following to hrclientservices@uts.edu.au:
Birth certificate issued by Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Australian passport.
A statement from a registered medical practitioner or registered psychologist that lists your gender.
Note: you do not need to have changed your gender on your identity documents (e.g. passport, birth certificate) to change your gender at UTS (the initial letter from a registered medical practitioner/psychologist is sufficient). Staff can book in with our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider TELUS Health for this letter via 1300 361 008.
Updating your email
Students and staff
Once your preferred or legal name/s have been updated you can submit a job on Service Connect via the Service Catalogue form to update your email address. You can find this by:
- logging in to Service Connect
- clicking on 'It and Digital Services', then 'Requests'
- clicking on the category 'User account, system and file access', then 'Update UTS email address after name change'.
You will need to fill in the Email Administration Request form and click 'Submit'.
Updating your student card
Once you have updated your name (preferred or legal) via the 'Change of student details' form it will appear in the Curriculum and Student System (CASS) and then link up to Honeywell (the ID card program). You can get a new student card with only your preferred name on it (just note, if you do this your student card isn’t a legal document). A new card has a cost of $30. For a new card, fill out the 'Change of student details' form.
Trans and gender diverse students can get reissued a student card with an updated photo free of charge.
Note: Something to be mindful of is that your preferred given name will not be included on any formal academic documents (testamur, academic record etc.). This is for legal reasons, downstream reporting and connections to the ATO and other government reporting agencies.
Updating your staff card
Email IDDelivery@uts.edu.au with your full name and staff ID number, and a photo that meets our UTS photo ID requirements. Trans and gender diverse staff can get reissued a staff card with an updated photo.
Note: In this email you must clearly state what you are seeking to change. I.e. (a) My legal first name needs to be updated on my ID card. (b) I would like just my preferred first name on my ID card. (c) I would like both my legal first name and preferred first name on my ID card. Your legal surname will be printed with any changes to your first name (preferred or legal).
UTS Student Centre staff will check and upload your photo, then advise security (and you) that it is ready for production via email. The email will request that security let you know when the card is ready for collection. Collect your ID card from UTS Security in building 1, level 4 after being advised by security.
Information for past students/alumni
Updating your testamur
If you are a past UTS student who has updated your name, UTS can reissue you a new testamur. First you must complete the 'Change of student details' form to legally update your name/s at UTS. You must also return the original testamur.
More info: https://forms.uts.edu.au/web/index.cfm
Note: If you are UTS alumni and don’t currently have multi-factor authentication (MFA) to access UTS services, please verify your identity by contacting the IT Support Centre on (02) 9514 2222 to update your email address.
Updating your email
Once your preferred or legal name/s have been updated via the 'Change of student details' form you can lodge a job on Service Connect via the Service Catalogue form to update your email address. You can find this by:
logging in to Service Connect and clicking on 'It and Digital Services', then 'Requests'
click on the category 'User account, system and file access'
click on 'Update UTS email address after name change'.
You will need to fill in the Email Administration Request form and click 'Submit'.
Note: If you are UTS alumni and don’t currently have multi-factor authentication (MFA) to access UTS services, please verify your identity by contacting the IT Support Centre on (02) 9514 2222 to update your email address.
Graduation ceremonies
Conferral and testamurs
When you graduate, you are conferred and given a testamur (certificate of completion) meaning you are officially a graduate of UTS! You are then invited to attend a graduation ceremony.
A testamur is a government document and therefore must have your legally registered name (see information for past students/alumni for information on updating your testamur at a later date). While testamurs are legal documents and will have your legal name listed, we are happy to accommodate preferred names read out as you cross the stage. Please note: testamurs are presented offstage, except for graduating PhDs.
Your graduation ceremony day
We can’t wait to celebrate this incredible milestone with you on campus. If you would like a preferred name read as you cross the stage in your gown, as opposed to your legal name, please submit an Ask UTS enquiry including your student ID and preferred name. They will pass this information on to the Ceremonies and Events team who will ensure your ceremony registration portal is updated and the preferred name is read out on the day.
Other helpful information
Gender affirmation leave
UTS will support staff who are transitioning in a safe, positive and inclusive manner. A continuing or fixed-term staff member who is a transgender person is entitled to 20 days gender affirmation leave (pro rata for part-time) with pay per calendar year. Gender affirmation leave may be used for the purpose of attending medical appointments, recovering from medical procedures, undertaking any legal process relating to the transition, or any other similar activity related to the staff member's transition. Gender affirmation leave may be taken in any quantum, including short periods, half days, as a whole day, or multiple days.
All applications for leave will be dealt with confidentially and sensitively. lf a staff member has used all of their paid gender affirmation leave, they may access their available personal leave, sick leave, annual leave or long service leave for gender affirmation purposes, or apply for leave without pay.
Staff who need assistance with understanding their rights and entitlements in this area can contact the Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion on (02) 9514 1084 or equity@uts.edu.au.
Link: https://www.uts.edu.au/sites/default/files/2023-05/uts-2021-staff-agreement.pdf (page 46).
Gender affirming voice training
Gender affirming voice training is available (free of charge) at the UTS student-led Speech Pathology Clinic within Building 20, 100 Broadway. The clinic is open from 9am–4pm and sessions can be booked by emailing the Clinic Manager at speechpathology.clinic@uts.edu.au.