The Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion can advise and assist UTS staff and students who have an equity-related complaint.
We also advise managers or supervisors about appropriate equity-related complaint resolution processes.
What is an equity-related complaint?
Discrimination, harassment, victimisation and vilification based on any of the below constitutes an equity-related complaints:
- Age
- Disability
- Sex
- Gender identity (e.g. transgender or non-binary)
- Sexual orientation
- Pregnancy/potential pregnancy
- Race, ethnic background and/or nationality
- Family and/or carer responsibilities
- Religion
A non-equity related complaint could include interpersonal conflict, unfair or differential treatment, performance issues, industrial matters, or academic issues.
If you are still unsure whether your complaint is equity-related, please contact the Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion – or call 9514 1084.
How to resolve an equity-related complaint
To make an equity-related complaint, please contact the Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion – or call 9514 1084.
You are encouraged to raise your complaint in the first instance directly with the person concerned. This is appropriate in matters where you feel comfortable about making a direct approach, or where the complaint does not relate to allegations of unlawful behaviour (e.g. assault, illegal discrimination or harassment, corruption).
Where it is not appropriate for you to raise the issue directly with the other person/s, you can make a complaint to a manager or another person in authority at UTS.
Your rights and responsibilities
The Equity, Inclusion and Respect Policy outlines the rights and responsibilities of all UTS staff, students and visitors.
Your rights:
- If you believe that your right to equal opportunity has been compromised by discrimination or harassment you may have an equity-related complaint.
Your responsibilities:
- Complete the EO Online: prevention of discrimination and harassment in the workplace modules. All staff at UTS are encouraged to complete Module 1. Module 2 has been specially designed for managers and supervisors.
Understanding both your rights and responsibilities will contribute to a more productive, safe and equitable study and work environment.