With its focus on collaborative learning and contemporary technology, the Dr Chau Chak Wing Building reflects and reinforces UTS's new student-centred learning model and industry-focused research. Find out more about UTS's learning.futures initiative or the building's learning facilities.

Oval classrooms
Two oval classrooms have been constructed of large laminated timber beams. These high-tech spaces, each seating 54, are designed to facilitate interaction and dialogue between teacher and students. Technology in each classroom includes six-screen projection, touch-screen audio-visuals, microphones and speakers.

Collaborative theatre
This flexible teaching space has capacity for 120 people, with seating arranged in two rows per tier. This enables students in the front row of each tier to turn and face the row behind for discussion and group-work. The space features multi-screen, high-definition projection and touch-screen audio-visuals. There are also microphones along each workbench (one between two) to assist with student discussion in large classes.

Student commons
The student commons features two large glass work pods – one semi-circular and the other oval-shaped – together with curvaceous ply seating that provides an enticing place for students to relax between classes.

Seminar rooms
Seminar rooms are designed for flexible configuration, with flat floors and movable furniture to support group activities. Contemporary technology is a feature of these spaces, ranging from interactive whiteboards to ‘smart’ lecterns with touch-screen computers. Other rooms are configured for group-work with LCD screens and computers, supporting technology-enabled collaborative work.