On this page
Purpose | Scope | Principles | Policy statements | Policy owner and contact | Definitions | Approval information | Version history | References
1. Purpose
1.1 The Professional Experience Program Policy (the policy) outlines the provisions for UTS academic staff to undertake a paid period of professional experience as provided for in the UTS Staff Agreement (refer Enterprise agreements).
2. Scope
2.1 This policy applies to:
- academic staff who meet the eligibility criteria outlined in this policy
- all staff who manage and approve professional experience programs, and members of the Senior Staff Group where specifically approved by the Provost.
2.2 The following activities are out of scope of this policy:
- secondments and exchanges (refer Staff Secondment and Exchanges Policy)
- outside work (refer Outside Work Policy)
- student internships (refer Rule 3.4 and the Internships Management Policy).
3. Principles
3.1 The UTS Professional Experience Program (PEP) enables academic staff to undertake activities to develop their academic work and advance the UTS 2027 strategy and faculty/division strategic objectives.
3.2 PEP participation is neither a right nor an entitlement of academic employment. Each application for PEP is considered on its merits and is approved at the university's discretion.
3.3 Applications are considered through a competitive process that assesses the benefits to the individual and to the university, taking into consideration any operational requirements.
3.4 Staff undertaking PEP remain employees of the university. Employment requirements, including UTS policies, continue to apply throughout PEP, in particular the Code of Conduct, the Equity, Inclusion and Respect Policy and the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy.
3.5 All necessary approvals and formal agreements for PEP activities, including research ethics, must be in place before PEP placement begins.
4. Policy statements
Divisional and faculty requirements
4.1 Deans and division heads (hereafter deans) will determine the maximum number of staff on PEP at any one time. This quota must consider the operational needs, resource implications (staff and financial resources) and the potential impact on activities of the faculty or division. At the time of inviting staff to apply, the dean will give an indication of the number of PEP places that may be available for approval in a particular round.
4.2 PEP is normally granted for a maximum period of up to 26 consecutive weeks in line with the staff member's eligibility. Deans may approve a shorter period as appropriate to the particulars of the PEP application. A shorter PEP does not entitle staff to additional PEP period to make up the 26 weeks.
4.3 PEP will normally be taken in January to June or July to December periods. Deans will determine when each program will be taken, considering the requirements of the faculty or division.
PEP eligibility, minimum service and performance requirements
4.4 Subject to the minimum service and performance requirements outlined in this policy, the following staff are eligible to apply for PEP:
- continuing full-time and part-time academic staff (Level A to E)
- fixed term full-time and part-time academic staff (Level A to E)
- sessional academic staff.
4.5 The following minimum service requirements apply for PEP eligibility.
- Eligible staff must have 3 years equivalent full-time service as at 1 January or 1 July before the proposed commencement date of the PEP.
- Part-time and sessional staff accrue eligibility for PEP on a pro-rata basis.
- Full-time and part-time continuous service (at Level A or above) at another Australian university will be included in the eligibility calculation if continuous with UTS service. Continuous service is deemed to be where the period between ending with one employer and starting with the next is not greater than 2 months (the intervening period is not counted as service).
- Periods of unpaid leave do not count as service in line with the UTS Staff Agreement (refer Enterprise agreements).
- The staff member is able to perform duties at the university for at least 6 months after the completion of PEP.
The length of the minimum period of qualification for eligibility for a second and subsequent PEP will be proportionate to the length of PEP applied for:
Period of PEP applied for Minimum service qualifying period 13-14 weeks 2 years 15-18 weeks 2 and a half years 19-26 weeks 3 years - For PEP applications in excess of 26 weeks the minimum qualifying period will be calculated on the basis of 3.6 weeks for each 6-month period. This will be granted only in exceptional circumstances as determined by the dean.
4.6 In addition to the eligibility and service requirements, the following performance requirements impact PEP eligibility. A staff member must have:
- participated in UTS workforce planning and performance processes for at least the previous 3 years
- met at least minimum performance expectations for the previous 3 years as described in performance reports
- met UTS's standards of academic and personal conduct, and
- where relevant, met previous PEP planned outcomes, reporting and other internal communication requirements.
4.7 Deans may vary the service or performance requirement in exceptional circumstances such as interrupted careers due to parental leave or illness.
PEP application process
4.8 PEP applications must be prepared in accordance with this policy and submitted to the dean for approval. Official PEP application procedures, forms, deadlines and travel allowance details are approved by the Provost and available at Professional experience program (Staff Connect). Additional information may be required by the faculty or division.
4.9 Applicants should discuss their application with supervisors in advance of the deadline, allowing enough time for appropriate consideration. Supervisors will:
- provide advice on the application, including how the PEP criteria is addressed
- work with the applicant to assess whether appropriate arrangements can be made to cover the applicant's normal UTS responsibilities and duties for the PEP period
- confirm that applicants who supervise graduate research students will continue supervisory responsibilities (unless proof of exceptional circumstances can be provided for approval by the Dean, Graduate Research School in line with the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy and alternative supervision has been arranged for the period. Failure to adequately provide supervisory cover may be considered a breach of this policy), and
- following approval of a PEP, ensure that the staff member notifies the Governance Support Unit and/or the committee chair as relevant to suspend any membership of UTS committees for the duration of the PEP.
4.10 A supervisor must indicate, in writing, their support for the PEP application. If a supervisor does not support an application, reasons for this decision must be given in writing to the applicant (and a copy of the statement must be made available to the applicant if requested).
4.11 PEP applicants who are on secondment elsewhere in the university must seek the endorsement of their supervisors in both faculties and/or divisions.
4.12 Applicants should submit their completed applications, complete with supervisor endorsement (or rationale for lack of support), to their dean in line with the procedures available at Professional experience program (Staff Connect). Applicants must provide all of the necessary documentation in support of their application.
Approval of PEP applications
4.13 The approval criteria for PEP comprise the following.
- The applicant must meet the eligibility criteria.
- The proposed program will contribute to the professional development of the individual.
- The proposed program will contribute to the strategic priorities and work of the faculty/division and university.
- The approved outputs and outcomes of the program will contribute to the faculty/division and university.
- The operations of the faculty/division can continue to be met during the proposed period (including when aggregated with other PEP under consideration or underway).
4.14 Deans have authority to consider PEP applications in line with this policy and either approve or deny the application as appropriate.
4.15 Deans may seek the advice of their staff or a relevant committee to:
- review and provide advice on individual applications, and/or
- review the potential aggregated impact of applications on the faculty or division.
4.16 Applicants who are unsuccessful are entitled to seek feedback on the reasons for the decision.
Variation, suspensions and appeals
4.17 Deans may suspend or vary an approved PEP where changed circumstances prevent the program from being undertaken as approved.
4.18 If a PEP proposal is rejected, suspended or otherwise varied, the applicant is entitled to make a written submission to the Provost giving reasons the proposal should be reconsidered.
4.19 The Provost has authority to determine any subsequent action. The decision of the Provost is final.
PEP agreement
4.20 Before embarking on the program, PEP participants must enter into an agreement with the university that will include the following:
- accountability for the outputs and outcomes of the program
- the requirement that, at the end of the program, the participant is able to perform duties at UTS for at least 6 months
- the requirement that, within 6 months of completion of PEP, a report must be submitted (in a form specified by the faculty or division as part of the approval) on the outputs and outcomes of the program
- all operational requirements, including acquittal of any expenses or travel allowances, must be completed in line with the Staff Travel, Expenses and Credit Card Policy.
4.21 It is considered a breach of this policy if the terms of the program agreement are not fulfilled.
Leave arrangements
4.22 A staff member's accumulated leave balance must be under 40 days before the PEP begins.
4.23 Annual leave accrued during the PEP period must be taken in that period.
4.24 Additional annual leave or long service leave may be taken in conjunction with PEP, subject to approval by the dean. Leave without pay will not normally be granted where a staff member has annual and long service leave available in accordance with the relevant leave entitlements and guidelines.
Salary and earnings
4.25 While undertaking PEP, staff remain employees of the university, and will continue to receive their normal UTS salary. Staff may also retain net monies earned during the PEP period from sources other than UTS (that is total 'other earnings' less PEP associated expenses) up to the equivalent of 40 per cent of their UTS salary for the program period. Net monies received in excess of this amount are to be paid to the relevant faculty or division.
4.26 Anticipated net 'other earnings' are to be nominated in the initial application. All other earnings actually received must be detailed in the report that is required on return to UTS.
4.27 External work undertaken during PEP is subject to the provisions of the Outside Work Policy.
Travel allowances for PEP participants
4.28 At any time, a PEP participant may apply for payment of a travel allowance, as prescribed by the university in line with the UTS Staff Agreement (refer Enterprise agreements). Payment of a travel allowance is not automatic but is dependent on the applicant demonstrating that they will incur travel and associated expenses amounting to at least the amount of the allowance.
4.29 The dean will determine whether travel will be supported by the university as part of the PEP application assessment.
Policy breaches
4.30 All suspected breaches of this policy, must, in the first instance, be reported to the relevant dean. Where relevant, the university may cancel the PEP approval and/or require repayment of the staff member's salary and any other UTS payments made during the program period.
4.31 Breaches will be managed in line with the Code of Conduct as a failure to comply with the code and/or the relevant Enterprise agreement.
4.32 Suspected breaches of a serious nature or unresolved breaches should be reported to the Provost for decision.
5. Policy owner and contact
5.1 Policy owner: The Provost is responsible for enforcement and compliance of this policy, and for ensuring its principles and statements are observed. The Provost is also responsible for the approval of any university level procedures and for initiating the review process in conjunction with the Governance Support Unit.
5.2 Policy contact: The Executive Director, People and Culture is the primary point of contact for advice on implementing and administering this policy. Under the Executive Director, People and Culture, the People Unit is responsible for maintaining Professional Experience Program on Staff Connect, including any procedures approved by the Provost, and details of relevant administrative matters related to PEP including travel allowances and insurance.
5.3 Others: Deans and division heads (referred to as deans throughout this policy) are responsible for local approval of PEP applications and implementation of this policy.
6. Definitions
The following definitions apply for this policy. Definitions in the singular include the plural meaning of the word.
Applicant means academic staff who fulfil the eligibility, service and performance criteria as outlined in this policy and submit, or seek to submit, an application for PEP.
Continuous service means that the period between ending with one employer and beginning with the next is not greater than two months duration. This intervening period is not counted as service.
Participant means the academic staff member who has been approved for PEP in line with this policy.
Professional Experience Program (also PEP or program) means a paid period of release from normal academic work as outlined in the UTS Staff Agreement (refer Enterprise agreements), for the mutual benefit of the academic staff member and the university, normally undertaken off campus and approved in line with this policy.
Approval information
Policy contact | Executive Director, People and Culture |
Approval authority | Vice-Chancellor |
Review date | 2024 |
File number | UR21/398 |
Superseded documents | Professional Experience Program Vice-Chancellor's Directive (UR92/738-2) |
Version history
Version | Approved by | Approval date | Effective date | Sections modified |
1.0 | Vice-Chancellor | 04/02/2021 | 01/04/2021 | New policy. |
1.1 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 03/03/2022 | 03/03/2022 | Minor change to reflect portfolio realignment under Fit for 2027 project. |
1.2 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 07/11/2022 | 05/12/2022 | Minor change to reflect new position title of Executive Director, People and Culture. |
1.3 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 29/06/2023 | 07/07/2023 | Minor change to reflect the new title of Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy. |