Dissecting Conglomerates
Finance Discipline Group
Research Seminars in Finance
Topic: Dissecting Conglomerates
Speaker: Ran Duchin, University of Washington
We develop a new method to estimate Tobin's qs of conglomerate divisions without relying on standalone firms. Divisional qs differ considerably from qs of standalone firms and, consistent with theories of corporate diversification, are less volatile and less sensitive to macroeconomic shocks. In contrast to prior evidence based on standalone qs, divisional investment is highly sensitive to divisional qs. This sensitivity disappears after a division is spun-off into a standalone firm. Moreover, divisional qs predict both the volume and announcement returns of diversifying acquisitions. Overall, our estimates provide new opportunities to study conglomeration and internal capital allocation.
Date: Wednesday, 10th October 2018
Time: 12.00 – 1.00 p.m.
Venue: University of Technology, Sydney
Building 8, Room 8.002, Dr Chau Chak Wing Building
Dr Chau Chak Wing Building
Dr Chau Chak Wing Building
14 - 28 Ultimo Road, Ultimo
Enquiries: Mala Kapahi (Ph: +61 2 9514 7777)