Honorary Appointments
If you or your new person is a visiting scholar or external student and does not have a UTS staff or student number, you must get an honorary appointment number. For this you will need to fill out an honorary appointment form (PDF, 1.1kB).
This form and a copy of your curriculum vitae must be given to Carol Crane in the faculty office. It will then be signed by the Dean and forwarded to the People Unit. They will provide an honorary appointment number. This number means that they are covered by our insurance, can access IT support services and be given security access to the building and key boxes.
Laboratory and building access
Laboratory access and after hours building access at UTS is controlled by pin codes. Contact Russell Trenerry directly by email for office keys and pin code access to the building and Lab areas. You should cc Philip Lawrence
You will need to provide:
UTS Student, Staff or Honorary appointment number
Full name
Office number
Lab and building access required
Supervisor name
Your Department/group
Where required Russell will check with the supervisor and/or relevant lab managers as to whether this access is permitted in each case.
Please contact Kevin Broady for office allocations for level 6 researchers.
Inductions and lab space
New staff and students working on Level 6 will need to go through a short induction, and have their lab bench allocation recorded. They will also need to read the Science Researcher Safety Manual (Word doc) fill out the risk assessment form in the back and sign the "Science Researcher Sign-Off" .
To organise an induction email Philip Lawrence with:
UTS Student, Staff or Honorary Appointment Number
Full Name
Office Number/Desk No
Lab and Building Access Required
Supervisor Name
Your Department/Group
Supervisors should keep a copy of the risk assessment. Philip will file the original and the sign-off.
Once pins have been allocated and induction is complete, Philip will grant access to the level 6 laboratory key box.
Getting a computer/Network login
Log into Service Desk. Submit a request stating "Computer required for new Faculty of Science staff, Novell login also required" or “Faculty of Science Novell login required”.
List all their details:
Staff Number
Office and Desk Location
Justification for the need of a computer
Whether or not they are replacing someone, if so, who
Bringing in your own computer
Non-University computers must be checked first and set up for printing etc. before they are used on the UTS network.
Log into Service Desk and log a request stating: "Need personal laptop set up for network access and printing".
NEO and email set up
To set this up you will need to know your staff number. It will be listed on the payment transaction on your bank statements. Otherwise you can call staff services 1060.
Once you have this:
Go to the neo web page
Select: Logging into neo for the first time
Select: account activation
Go through the questions
If in doubt call staff services 9514 1060 for assistance.
Email subscriptions
There are a number of UTS email lists that you can and should subscribe to. To select an email list to subscribe to, click on the list titles and follow the instructions.
If you work on level 6, you must subscribe to the “Sci-all-staff” and the “Sci-level6” lists. There are also lists for the department of CMB and IBID. Important announcements are regularly made on all relevant lists.
Electronic Lab Notebooks
Electronic notebooks (eNotebooks) are a convenient and secure way to collect, analyse and manage your research data (e.g. experimental results, notes, meeting minutes and draft manuscripts etc). UTS staff and students have access to LabArchives for creating eNotebooks Advantages of eNotebooks over hard copies include:
- the ability to store, organise and share your research data all in one place
- easy access for your whole research team from anywhere
- security and version control for your data
- easy to use, impossible to lose
- linked to Stash as a workspace within your Research Data Management Plan
To help you set up your LabArchive, head to StaffConnect for How-to guides and access to the LabArchives page. Training is also available on request through eresearch-it@uts.edu.au