The UTS Psychology Clinic is a not-for-profit teaching and research clinic that provides quality services to the community at a low cost.
We offer affordable services to the general community. Our services include adult, adolescent and child and family psychology services and adult, adolescent and child cognitive assessments.
Our services are by appointment only Tuesday to Friday between 9.00am and 6.00pm (January to June) and 12.00pm to 6.00pm (July to December). Appointments can be scheduled as in person or telehealth sessions.
If you would like to make an appointment or have a query please contact us on or phone on 9514 7339. Administration staff will be available Tuesday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm to answer telephone enquiries. Voicemail messages will be returned as soon as possible.
If you have an urgent situation, crisis assistance is available by phoning Triple Zero (000) or reporting to the emergency department of your local hospital.
If you require emergency counselling services please phone Lifeline on 13 11 14 (24 hours) or the NSW Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511 (24 hours).
A list of emergency referrals is available as shown under the emergency contacts on this page.
We look forward to providing you with clinical services.
UTS Psychology Team
Emergency contacts
During the period that the UTS Psychology Clinic cannot provide services please maintain contact with your GP who can assist you to refer to a clinical psychologist to provide tele health services if you are eligible.
Health direct number: 1800 022 222
Other emergency services that can assist include:
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
Mindspot: 1800 61 44 34 (Online and telephone clinic providing free assessment and treatment services)
Parentline: 1300 30 1300
NSW Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511 (24-hours)
Lifeline Counselling Service: 13 11 14 (24-hours)
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital crisis service: 9515 6111 (ask for after-hours crisis workers)
Headspace: 1800 650 890
Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
UTS student services: +61 2 9514 1177
There are also free online resources providing practical support:
Mindspot Clinic:
Beyond Blue:
Black Dog:
This Way Up:
For young people:
Ybblue (Youth Beyond Blue):
Reach out :
For parents:
Triple P online (Triple P Positive Parenting Program free online parenting program for toddlers - tweens and teens):
Parentworks (free online program for Australian parents and caregivers of children 2 to 16):
Other resources and information about emergency support, reporting procedures and further support:
UTS Sexual Assault Support Line: 1800 531 626. The UTS Sexual Assault Support Line is staffed by professionally trained, trauma informed counsellors 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). UTS Security will respond to calls on this number out of office hours.
NSW Rape Crisis, Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia: 1800 424 017
NSW domestic violence line: 1800 656 463 (24-hours)
UTS staff can contact our EAP provider on 1300 360 364.
Alcohol and drug counselling:
Alcoholics Anonymous: 1300 22 22 22 or 9799 1199 (24-hours)
Emergency accommodation:
Homeless Persons' Information Centre: 1800 234 566 (7 days, 9am - 10pm)
Video: About the UTS Psychology Clinic

Margaret Eisdaile, Psychology Clinic Coordinator:
The UTS psychology clinic is a specialist clinic within the One Hundred Broadway Clinic. We're a training clinic for the Master of Cinical Psychology students and they do two clinical placements here as part of their practical component of their Master's degree. The clinic is centrally located in Ultimo, we're in close proximity to the Broadway shopping centre, Central railway and the main interchange bus station at Railway Square. The clinic provides low-cost mental health care to the community. The fees are heavily subsidised by UTS. All therapists are provisionally registered with the Australian Psychology Board and as part of their ethical behaviour they're required to observe all rules of privacy and confidentiality.
Alice Shires, Psychology Clinic Director:
Students come into the clinic as, in a way, a staff team and see clients under supervision. Our staff who supervise, who are academics and researchers in the department, they discuss the cases with the student and really scrutinise their work and that's the beauty of having a training clinic like this.
Gene Efron, Clinical Psychology Student:
The clinic is a teaching clinic which means that it enables the students to put their learnings into practice.
Rachel Verin, Clinical Psychology Student:
There's no substitute for actually working one-on-one directly with a client. Doing it here in the clinic in such a structured and supervised way means that before you go out into the real world you're getting really really constructive feedback from experts in their field.
Erika Penney, Clinical Psychology Lecturer and Supervisor:
We have a whole range of clients that come to our clinic, we have young adults who might come from as UTS students, we have older adults who come to see us, we have adolescents who come to see us and we have really young families, children and parents who come to see us.
Rachel Verin, Clinical Psychology Student:
People come to the UTS Clinic for a range of difficulties, anxiety disorders or depressive symptoms, lots of stress.
Gene Efron, Clinical Psychology Student:
As well as really more complicated or more complex neurocognitive disorders so no two people are the same every person comes with their own unique difficulties.
Rachel Verin, Clinical Psychology Student:
So you get a lot of experience with a whole range of different presentations.
Gene Efron, Clinical Psychology Student:
The clinic has a number of really wonderful innovative factors and one of the ways this is executed is through the B-Line video technology where students can actually watch their footage in real time straight after they've conducted a session.
Rachel Verin, Clinical Psychology Student:
Telehealth is used in the clinic, we actually implemented it really quickly and due to the changing landscape it's really important for clients to have the opportunity to speak with their therapist even if they live really far away, if it's a bad weather day, if they're having a bad day, means that they don't miss a session.
Erika Penney, Clinical Psychology Lecturer and Supervisor:
So our students, because they're advanced level students, they're getting this input from highly specialised supervisors to be able to provide the leading edge evidence-based treatments to clients.
Alice Shires, Psychology Clinic Director:
It provides really a local service to people within the university community or wider community to involve people more and interface between the university and the community that it sits within.
Our broad range of adult and child services is provided by Provisional Psychologists in their final years of training (Year 5 and Year 6) under the supervision of highly experienced registered Clinical Psychologists and Neuropsychologists.
We offer evidence-based clinical psychology treatments - predominantly cognitive and behavioural therapies (CBT) and mindfulness integrated CBT (MiCBT). Other therapies may be available.
- Adult psychology services
- Child psychology services
- Cognitive assessment
- Mindfulness Integrated Therapies research clinic
Immediate help
If you require immediate help please contact Lifeline, a confidential and 24-hour telephone crisis support line 13 11 14.
If you are in crisis and are seriously considering harming yourself, please present to your local hospital Emergency Department, or contact the Mental Health Access Line on 1800 011 511.
Make an appointment
For appointment enquiries please contact the UTS Psychology Clinic by phone or email.
Phone: 02 9514 7339
Our location
One Hundred Broadway Clinic
One Hundred Broadway
(Corner Broadway and Abercrombie Streets)
Ultimo NSW 2007
There is paid public parking and limited metered street parking in the surrounding area. Find out more about local parking stations.
Opening hours
January to June: Tuesday to Friday 9.00 am – 6.00 pm (last appointment 5.00 pm)
July to December: Tuesday to Friday 12.00pm - 6.00pm (last appointment 5.00pm)
Consultations are by prior appointment only.
Video: Hear from the clinic director

Alice Shires, UTS Psychology Clinic Director: I remember a day when I was asked to observe a trainee with their client. Despite my trainee being a budding scientist who was intelligent and clever, I was surprised to see them struggling to build rapport, faltering, unable to communicate the theory effectively to their client. The client looked confused and distressed, and so did the trainee.
It struck me how, without the skills to implement the theory, the trainee clinician is limited in their effectiveness. It's so important for a clinical psychologist to draw on theory but also have the skills necessary to implement the theory into their practice. In some psychology departments, people joke that the scientists are down one end of the corridor and the practitioners are on the other end, and never the twain shall meet.
I believe clinical psychology requires a commitment to both theory and practice in trainees. Over many years of teaching, I've seen some trainees who are able to embody the knowledge and theory and skillfully implement it. It comes together beautifully. It leaves both client and therapist feeling content and satisfied with the encounter. To watch it, it's like poetry.
When I was offered the opportunity to be involved in developing a brand new clinical psychology training course at UTS, I jumped at the chance. The challenge for me was to develop a course that honours the scientist-practitioner model by bridging the gap between clinical research and clinical practice.
I wanted this to happen in three ways. One, in a real life setting. Two, to be beneficial as a community service. Three, to enable research into mental health problems to support best practice treatment options.
Since we opened in July 2015, we've been very busy. The UTS Psychology Clinic has seen over 500 clients and we're growing. The psychology clinic is staffed by trainees who are closely supervised by a team of clinical psychologists who are both academics and practitioners. The clinic's service provides low cost psychological assessment and treatment for a wide range of mental health problems. It draws on the teaching and expertise of academics in cognitive and behavioural therapies for areas such as anxiety, depression, and trauma.
The clinic provides services to UTS students, to staff, and the wider community. Now we're establishing research clinics which will enable us to utilise our practice to inform the theory and science.
So far we've established the Child and Family Behaviour Clinic, the Mindfulness Integrated Therapies Research Clinic, and soon the Multidisciplinary Back Pain Clinic.
Whether you're interested in treatment or participating in research, you can contact us on the email below. If you'd like to study with us, visit our website to discover more. The UTS clinical psychology training model ensures there are no walls or corridors between scientists and practitioners.
Video created by Alice Shires, UTS Psychology Clinic Director.