The UTS Psychology Clinic offers services to the general community, to all age groups and all geographical areas. It is not restricted to staff or students of UTS. You can either contact us directly or have your healthcare provider (e.g. a General Practitioner) provide a written referral.
We provide services and treatment for a broad range of presentations including:
- Stress management
- Depression
- Anxiety including: PTSD and trauma-related disorders; phobias; social anxiety; obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Grief and loss
- Conflict and anger difficulties
- Insomnia
- Health-related concerns
- Chronic pain
- Relationship problems
- Eating issues
- Mindfulness
Please note, that as we are a training clinic, we are unable to provide treatment for clients who are experiencing acute psychotic symptoms, at significant suicidal risk or in immediate crisis. Client presentations of this nature usually require more specialised treatment than the UTS Psychology Clinic is able to provide. Client presentations will be subject to a treatment suitability assessment before an appointment is confirmed. Some presentations may require longer term care than the UTS Psychology Clinic is able to provide.
We will not provide legal or court reports or opinions.
Make an appointment
To make an appointment or an enquiry:
Phone: 9514 7339