The School prides itself on strong existing relationships with industry, philanthropy and government.
As a University of Technology with a deep history in applied, technology-driven curricula, being there to support industry, community and government is in our DNA. Our globally recognised excellence in research underpins our commitment to positive societal impact. Examples of success include enhanced blood management services through data-led insights, improved security of our nation through world-leading forensic methods, and a non-invasive Rapid Antigen Test for Coronavirus that uses saliva and avoids the discomfort of nasal methods.
Our internal capability and world-class laboratories are open to collaboration and partnerships, from small projects, to major initiatives. We collaborate with a full spectrum of companies, from start-ups to corporates, to help position them for success through new innovations and process improvements.
Our student experience and their career path are important to us, so we create opportunities for industry internships or placements as part of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. We partner with industry and government agencies to maximise mutual benefit from such internships, where the students grow their skills and workplace professionalism, and the host benefits by having a motivated and dedicated student on the team.
We are available to partner through Federal Government Schemes including Australian Research Council Linkage Schemes, Centres of Excellence, to Cooperative Research Centre Projects (CRC-P), Industry Research Hubs and the Modern Manufacturing Initiative.
Our partners
Connecting with us
We have many ways in which we connect with partners, and many ways in which partners can benefit from our students, staff expertise and outstanding facilities for mutual benefit. Depending on the partner needs, this could be by one of more of the following pathways:
- Internships: These provide a channel for students to grow their business acumen and contribute in a working environment, while enabling the host organisation to benefit from additional skills, capacity and creativity that UTS students bring.
- Consultancies: Our highly experienced staff brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to work on short-term partner projects with well-defined outputs that can include expert opinions, review technical papers or provide discipline-specific advice.
- R&D: With outstanding facilities and equipment, UTS collaborates and partners with a large number of industry and government agencies and research organisations. Options range from short-term projects to more ambitious longer-term engagements. Our professional team can support the development of contracts and any co-funding arrangements.
Research partners
The School has existing relationships with a range of research partners including:
- Ideal Research Hub
- ARC Centre for Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS) Melbourne
- SUSTech China - Southern University of Science and Technology
- Australian Federal Police
- NSW Police Force
- NSW Forensic and Analytical Sciences Services
- Sydney Quantum Academy
- Agilent
- Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC)
- Atomic Medicine Initiative
Strategic objectives
The School has two strategic objectives:
- Helping to drive the student innovation and entrepreneur experience in science and technology; and
- Drive research lead innovation and industry collaborations across mathematical, analytical, forensic and physical sciences. We partner in areas ranging from rapid physical and digital prototyping to the development of intellectual property protection strategies.
Our courses allow students at the undergraduate level to engage with industry by choosing to undertake an internship with an external organisation (e.g. business, external research institute) or with a UTS unit. These experiences assist in developing professional attributes related to employability, discipline knowledge and professional networks, which can contribute to career goals.
Course Advisory Committee
To ensure a relevance to our courses, the School has a Courses Advisory Committee (CAC) to provide strategic advice on course directions, developments and opportunities as they relate to the external environment, provide strategic links to key business, industry, government and community groups, provide high level advice on student attributes and provide an academic/industry/professional association perspective and advice on course promotion, and related research and development activities.
Science Industry Advisory Group
The School also takes direction from the Science Industry Advisory Group which provides strategic advice to the Faculty across a range of areas such as curricula, research and collaborations. It has the task of evaluating all new programs, proposed initiatives and external focus for the Faculty.
Contact us to find out more about our external engagement opportunities