Scanning Electron Microscopes
ThermoFisher (FEI) Helios G4 PFIB UXe DualBeam
- Currently being commissioned - not yet available
- High resolution imaging (sub-nm)
- DualBeam system (multi-species, Xe, Ar, N, O)
- Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) Oxford Ultim Max and Ultim Extreme SDD detectors
- Oxford C-Nano Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)
- Multi-position STEM detector (6)
ThermoFisher (FEI) DB235 DualBeam with Delmic SPARC and SECOM
- High resolution imaging (sub-nm)
- Cathodoluminescence (CL) - angular resolved (Delmic SPARC)
- Correlative light and electron microscopy (Delmic SECOM)
- DualBeam system (Ga+)
Zeiss Supra 55VP SEM with Raith Elphy Plus E-beam Lithography System & EBSD
The Zeiss Supra 55VP SEM is a high resolution Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopes (FESEM) with a Schottky source. Its high efficiency in-lens detector produces exceptional quality scanning electron images down to 0.1kV and BSE, Everhart-Thornley SE and VPSE detectors may also be used for imaging. An Oxford EDS system is also available for elemental characterisation as is an Oxford Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) system for crystal orientation analysis and mapping.

Zeiss EVO LS15 SEM
The Zeiss Evo LS15 is a life science themed thermionic tungsten electron gun Scanning Electron Microscope which is used for imaging features on the micron scale. The pressure range is 10 - 3000 Pa (air or water vapour) and it is equipped with a Peltier-colled Carl Zeiss coolstage that can control temperatures down to -25°C. This SEM is also equipped with a Bruker SDD XFlash 5030 detector which allows high speed elemental analysis and mapping. A gunshot residue (GSR) analysis system is also available.

FEI Quanta 200 ESEM with cathodoluminescence
The FEI Quanta 200 Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) is a thermal tungsten gun instrument capable of imaging under three vacuum regimes, High-vacuum (< 6e-4 Pa), Low-vacuum (10 - 130 Pa) and ESEM-vacuum (10 - 2600 Pa). The Quanta is equipped with several CCD detectors for high speed cathodoluminescence spectra aquisition. A Gatan C1002 liquid nitrogen cold stage is available for cooling samples to 80 K while a Gatan CF302 continuous flow liquid helium cold stage is available for cooling to 5 K. A Melles Griot HeCd 100 mW dual wavelength laser is available for simultaneous PL studies with excitation at 325 and 442 nm.

Transmission Electron Microscope
The JEOL JEM F200 is a 200kV TEM with both single and double-tilt holders that can be used for imaging of both materials and biological specimens as well as for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM). It is equipped with a Gatan Rio 4k x 4k camera for high quality digital images. It can also be operated at 120kV.

Metal Sputter and Carbon Coating
Leica EM ACE600 High Vacuum Coater
This high vacuum coater is equipped with both a carbon thread evaporation and metal deposition system. Carbon coating is used where a sample is being imaged in a high vacuum environment where EDS analysis will be performed, whereas a coating of Au/Pd is used for high resolution imaging. It also has glow discharge available for TEM grids or for specimen cleaning prior to coating.