Max is excelling in his studies since receiving the scholarship

‘A great weight has been lifted from my shoulders’
That was Max Saker’s reaction when he heard he’d been awarded the Law Equity Scholarship.
During his final year in school, Max’s family suffered a series of personal and financial setbacks. Despite these difficulties, Max did well in the HSC and enrolled in a combined IT and Law degree at UTS.
However, he had to juggle his studies with paid work in order to help finance his university course.
The scholarship has changed everything.
“It has alleviated external pressures and financial responsibilities and given me the gift of time to concentrate on my studies.”
It’s also helped him become part of university life by allowing him the freedom to engage in activities which he otherwise would have missed because of paid work commitments – he joined the Student Law Society and the Cyber Security Society.
For me, the scholarship means the world – it’s the difference between struggling and flying.
Max is excited about his studies and the future.
He is interested in cyber security and cybercrime and bridging the gap between IT and the Law as well as addressing what he believes is the growing problem of techno-legal disadvantage.
Max has a strong commitment to social justice and wants to use his degree to help disadvantaged and lower socio-economic groups with technology and legal issues.
The scholarship allows Maxi the time to give back to both his high school and the wider community. After playing the French horn in Symphonia Jubilate, the combined public schools orchestra, he has been invited back as a music tutor.
Now that he has settled into university, Max also plans to give more time to legal volunteer work including through the Brennan Social Justice programme.
He excelled in his first semester with three high distinctions and a distinction.