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Law and tech at UTS

Get equipped for a career in legal technology with UTS through expert academics, cutting-edge research, internship and co-curricular opportunities. Enhance your career opportunities with a solid foundation of essential legal skills accompanied by a distinct advantage in the field of technology law and innovation.

Study opportunities

Focus on the intersection of law and tech by choosing from our range of tech-focused electives or specialising with the Legal Futures and Technology major.


Bachelor of Laws & Bachelor of Laws combined degrees: 
Legal Futures and Technology major

The Major, a first in Australia, enables students to immerse themselves in a range of learning activities centered around innovation and technology. Students deepen their knowledge and skills to successfully work in careers at the intersection of law and disruptive technologies.  

Legal Futures and Technology Major


Ramona Vijeyarasa
Unbiased AI could improve women's rights

Award-winning UTS researcher Dr Ramona Vijeyarasa on how artificial intelligence may prove the best legal mind for tackling inequality.

Internship opportunities

Law students louis bridle yasmin frost
Tech internship with Westpac

Yasmin and Louis completed an internship with Westpac, working with their compliance team on the use of artificial intelligence.

Co-curricular opportunities 

Outside of the classroom there are a range of opportunities to enhance your knowledge and skills in legal tech. Check the Student Notice Board on Canvas and join the Law Students Society for all the latest co-curricular opportunities.

Large group of participants pose at the Law Tech Challenge


The Law Tech Challenge enables law students to develop app design skills with Neota Logic and professional practice skills with Allens law firm, whilst being mentored by Allens’ lawyers.  

Using technology-driven solutions, you'll work with not-for-profit clients to improve their capacity to carry out their mission. 

Student 'judges' sit at a high table. Below them, student-advocates sit behind a desk or stand at a lectern presenting an argument. More students sit in chairs watching on.


The UTS Law Students Society host an annual intervarsity Legal Technology Moot, among other mooting competitions.

note and laptop

Student Prizes and Publications 

Amy Tesoriero: Winner of the ATRIP FICPI Young Scholars Essay Prize 2022. ‘Using the flexibilities of Article 30 TRIPS to implement patent exceptions in pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 3’ (2022) 25(2) The Journal of World Intellectual Property 516.

Andrew Geraghty, ‘The sound of streaming: Third level agreements as a solution to Twitch’s “music problem”’ (2022) 22(2) Australian Intellectual Property Law

Two overlapping speech bubbles in pale charcoal
Feedback on the Law Tech Challenge:

What the Law Tech Challenge demonstrated in terms of new learning and skills development was [the students'] adaptability to embrace an entirely new and entirely ‘real-life’ legal subject matter. 

- Justin Moses, In-house lawyer, AIME Mentoring (AIME), client in 2022

The skills learnt and people I have met throughout this Challenge directly led to my first law tech job as Legal Tech Solution Consultant for an in-house legal department whilst still a student.  

- Ethan Huang, student 2018 Law Tech Challenge, lawyer, Gilbert + Tobin 


UTS law students who take up technology-related opportunities during their study enjoy careers as technology lawyers, IP lawyers, legal counsel in tech teams, legal professionals in start-ups and working in areas of cybersecurity, regulation, innovation, communications and transformation.

Tilly Harkin, Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Communication

Tilly is a Legal Transformation Graduates at Allens Linklaters, one of two inaugural graduates to join the recently established Legal Transformation Program. More

Ethan Huang, Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Business

Ethan is a Tech + Digital Lawyer at Gilbert + Tobin. His practice includes work in responsible AI, space law, privacy, and critical infrastructure. More

Jock Steel, Juris Doctor

Jock is Senior Legal Counsel with Cognizant Australia and New Zealand with over a decade of experience specialising in technology law. More

Our academics

The Faculty of Law includes an expert team of academics who research and teach across a diverse range of tech-related areas. These academics are recognised internationally and nationally for their ground-breaking and innovative work.

  • Expert in law and technology; teaches in the Legal Futures and Technology major and Intellectual Property and coordinates the Law Tech Clinic with Lander and Rogers.

  • Co-Director of Centre for Media Transition, expert in digital communications and regulation; teaches in Media and Digital Platform Regulation.

  • Expert in the regulation of technology and intellectual property; teaches in the Legal Futures and Technology major and Intellectual Property.

  • Expert in technology law and intellectual property; teaches in the Legal Futures and Technology major and Intellectual Property.

  • Expert in intellectual property law in particular copyright; teaches in Intellectual Property Law.

  • Expert in regulation of digital platforms and social media; teaches in Regulating Technologies.

George Tian: Expert in cyber law and intellectual property; teaches in Intellectual Property Commercialisation 

Jane Rawlings: Expert in trade mark and copyright law; teaches in Intellectual Property Law 

Kris Wilson: Expert in cybersecurity and computing technologies; teaches in the Legal Futures and Technology major and privacy and surveillance law

Penny Crofts: Expert in criminal law theory and corporate crime; teaches in Criminal Law and Wickedness and Vice

Maryam Tabari: Expert in patent law and intellectual property commercialisation; teaches in Intellectual Property Law 

Michael Davis: Expert in media and communications regulation

Natalie Stoianoff: Expert in global intellectual property law and the circular economy; teaches in Intellectual Property Law 

Ramona Vijeyarasa: Expert in women’s rights, artificial intelligence, technology and the law: teacher in Ethics Law and Justice 

Sacha Molitorisz: Expert in media and digital privacy; teaches in Privacy Law and Media Law 

Honni van Rijswijk: Expert in the harms of technology (corporations, tort law, AI); theories of justice and technology; teaches Just Tech