A variety of international experiences offer UTS nursing and midwifery students an international perspective to their studies.

Combine nursing with international studies
UTS Bachelor of Nursing students who combine their professional degree with International Studies learn the language and culture of their chosen country. They also live in that country for a year and get to properly experience the culture and language they're learning.
BUILD (Beyond UTS International Leadership Development) is an extra-curricular global leadership program with a mission to develop self-aware, informed and active global citizens and leaders. Starting with your identity as a global citizen, the program exposes you to global issues and ideas and develops your leadership skills to deliver positive global impact. Participate in interactive workshops, learn from inspiring speakers, join field trips, community activities and much more. Include an immersive overseas experience through Global Short Programs, Global Exchange or In-Country Studies to help you put your learning into practice. All these experiences earn points towards your completion. In addition to a completion certificate, the program is recognised on your Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS).
Global Short Programs
UTS has a growing number of opportunities for nursing and midwifery students to study, intern or learn for 2-6 weeks overseas via Global Short Programs. Global Short Programs offers summer and winter schools at partner universities, experiential learning programs, and international internships.

In 2018 and 2019, UTS Nursing students explored healthcare perspectives in India in the Drishtee Immersion program. The program encourages students to learn advanced empathy skills and apply new understanding to spark meaningful, positive health impacts in communities.
Read about some of our students' experiences [all links will open external sites]:
Alice, Jenivy, Bilqis

In 2019, Anna Johnson and Professor Angela Dawson supervised 13 third year UTS Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Health Science students on a three-week healthcare placement in Indonesia, funded by a New Colombo Mobility Program grant from the Australian Government. The placement was hosted by the University of Indonesia and overseen by the Dean of Nursing, Agus Setiwan, a PhD graduate of UTS Faculty of Health.