Professor Deborah Parker is a gerontological nurse with research programs in dementia, palliative care for older adults and use of technology in aged care.
She is Co-Director of the UTS Ageing Research Collaborative (UARC) whose vision is to enable socially, economically and environmentally sustainable aged care and support for older people in Australia. UARC is achieving this by engaging in pan university collaborative and translational research that addresses complex problems in ageing policy and practice informed by key industry partners.
Deborah is co-lead on End of Life Directions in Aged Care, a federally funded program to improve palliative care and advance care planning for older Australians. As part of this program she has developed three evidence based toolkits for clinicians to improve end of life care for older adults accessing formal aged care services in Australia.
Professor Parker’s research is improving outcomes for older adults in Australia by evidenced-based programs of research that inform current practice and policy.
Deborah was an expert witness for the Royal Commission into Safety and Quality in Aged Care and her work has been cited in state and federal enquiries in ageing and palliative care.