Our academics are known for their expertise in technologies and materials, visualising information, resilient urbanism, and critical design and theory.

Research focus areas
Design agency and designing futures
We understand that design both constructs and interprets, so we’re making and remaking the world and the discourse around us.
Social justice in the built environment and society
Our commitment to social justice and more equitable cities drives our research into accessibility and affordability in housing.
Sustainable user behaviour and environmental performance
We’re asking how changing our supply chains can address the problems of urban growth, climate change and human resilience.
Technological and industrial transformation
We emphasise the relationship between culture, wellbeing and technology by researching new materials.
We use our technical expertise and sophisticated storytelling ability to translate abstract data and ideas.
Research in our schools
In addition to these focus areas, a wider range of research, from advanced construction technologies to material ecologies is completed within our schools.
Industry partnerships
DAB Research delivers a range of projects in collaboration with our industry partners. Learn about some examples of our partnerships in our areas of expertise.
Some of our partners include:

Partner with DAB Research
We collaborate on a wide range of research projects for government and industry partners.