Seed funding of $100,000 has been provided by both the DAB and ADU to support new research and education initiatives.

Successful Applications for UTS and ADU Research Partnership 2024
We are delighted to announce that after receiving numerous outstanding applications for the UTS- Faculty of Design, Architecture, and Building and Abu Dhabi University Research and Education Partnership 2024, five proposals have been selected for funding. This partnership, supported by seed funding from both institutions, aims to foster innovative research and education initiatives.
Congratulations to the successful applicants projects and their leads and thank you to all who submitted their proposals. We look forward to the impactful contributions these projects will bring to our academic and wider community.
We are also excited to share that another round of proposals will open in June 2025.
DAB signed a partnership agreement with Abu Dhabi University (ADU) in December 2023 under a broader MOU signed between UTS and ADU, supported by the NSW Government.
The key strategic priorities of UTS and ADU signal a common commitment to academic excellence, innovation, diversity, and research collaboration outcomes that hold significant public value and impact.
Respective visions and missions feature a commitment to research innovation and the dissemination of knowledge of public value, and a dedication to educating graduates who are equipped with the knowledge and skills to become tomorrow's leaders to support their communities to thrive, economically, socially and culturally.
As the first faculty-level partnership agreement in UTS, seed funding of $100,000 has been provided by both DAB and ADU to support new research and education initiatives which promote collaboration between DAB and ADU. This funding will be split equally between joint research and education initiatives.