Change for Good @ UTS brings together a transdisciplinary team with expertise across a range of disciplines relevant to behaviour and social change.

Professor Ross Gordon
Centre Director
Ross is an interdisciplinary behaviour and social change activist with degree qualifications in public policy, politics and history, and marketing. His work focuses on social issues and behaviour and social change, through a critical, reflexive and multi-perspective lens.

Ave Le Blanc
Centre PhD Candidate
Ave's research focuses on social marketing for health and social change. Her interests lie in determining precise evidence-based applications of commercial marketing and advertising techniques to inform behaviour change initiatives, particularly in the Global South.

DR Theresa Harada
Centre member
Theresa is a human geographer and experienced ethnographer. Her work focuses on projects that contribute to social good, with recent collaborations including work with government bodies, corporates, non profit organisations, and researchers from a variety of disciplines including engineering, neuro science, social marketing and law.

DR Celina Mcewen
Centre member
Celina has an interdisciplinary background with training and experience in social sciences, adult education and information science. She draws on theories, methods and processes from these disciplines to examine issues of inequality and social justice at work and in higher education.

Associate Professor Adrian Camilleri
Centre member
Adrian uses experimental and survey research methods to understand, explain, and predict the cognitive processes underlying judgment and decision-making, and the application of this knowledge to policy, managerial, and consumption contexts. In one recent project, Adrian has attempted to understand how people can make better big life decisions that produce wellbeing over the long term.

Associate Professor Natalina Zlatevska
Centre member
Natalina's research primarily focuses on health promotion, particularly in the areas of food access, healthy food consumption, and sustainability. With over 15 years of experience in the field, she has provided expertise to organizations like the Health Food Partnership Community of Interest and has contributed insights on important public health issues such as obesity and nutrition labelling.

DR Sorush Sepher
Centre member
Sorush adopts a sociological and cultural approach to the study of consumers and market relations. His research interests include exploring how power structures in the marketplace and beyond form the consumer subject, and how these power dynamics are experienced by consumers.

Dr Kaye Chan
Centre member
Kaye's research focuses on the use of data analysis to address issues faced in online media and advertising, and how marketing communications can be used to influence and change behaviour. Kaye is proficient in using multiple methods of analysis and data collection, including surveys, experiments, and large panel databases.
Affiliate members
- Dr Foluké Badejo - Queensland University of Technology
Dr Abigail Foluké Badejo is an award-winning Behaviour Change Researcher driven by her core values of Social Justice, Dignity and Equity as well a passion for complex problem-solving for transformative social impact.
Collaborate with us
Change for Good @ UTS works with a variety of partners who are at the cutting edge in bringing about transdisciplinary positive behaviour and social change. Our partners include valued industry, non-profit and government sector organisations, and research affiliates. No matter how big or small the project, our group can help you with any aspect of your behaviour and social change work. From expert advice to research design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation – we have the capabilities to help you.
We are also very open to collaborating with partners on joint research projects.