The Accounting Department specialises in research and education on accounting information systems, corporate governance, and financial and management accounting

Accounting Information Systems
Accounting information systems (AIS) research and education focus on how financial and management accounting information is collected, generated, controlled and communicated. Information technology plays a key role in contemporary accounting processes, and accountants are increasingly required to comprehend the opportunities and risks associated with the automation of accounting processes in large-scale enterprise systems and business intelligence solutions. Accordingly, we are committed to cutting-edge research, scholarship and education relating to contemporary issues in AIS.
Corporate Governance
The Accounting Department has a particular strength in economics-based corporate governance research. A number of PhD and Honours students have undertaken studies like: what drives independent directors in M&A activities; CFO's compensation and M&A activities; the relation between CEO pay and other executive compensations; gender diversity of the board and CEO compensation; gender diversity and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Potential research students are encouraged meet professors or indeed emerging researchers who are interested in corporate governance research to explore future research topics.
Financial Accounting
Accountants are involved in the preparation and audit of financial reports, and the ability to critically use the information contained in financial reports is vital for people wishing to work in a modern business environment. This is reflected in the research undertaken within the Department which considers the factors impacting how financial reports are prepared, together with how information is provided to support business decision-making. This is incorporated into our teaching which ensures that it is cutting-edge and professionally relevant.
Management Accounting
Management accountants help organisations achieve their strategic goals by analysing accounting and operational numbers that help senior management maximise performance. This is consistent with our management accounting research program, investigating how management accounting tools and control systems shape better decision-making. Our teaching incorporates the latest management accounting methods, ensuring it is relevant to professionals seeking to maximise organisational performance and outcomes in a range of industries, including supply chain, agriculture, innovation, technology, sport and more traditional production environments.