Your source of need-to-know information about life as a UTS Communication, Education or International Studies student.
Whether you’re looking to enrich your daily university experience or learn about what your life could be like here at UTS, the On The Ground series is packed full of helpful tips for you.
Join our hosts as they take you through the ins and outs of food, friendship and fun on-campus, and learn valuable information, exploring the many support services available to all students.
In the first series we looked mainly at tips for life on campus, where to eat, where to study, and more.
Find out more about our undergraduate courses
On The Ground - season 3
Join us as we speak to students from nine different course offerings, gaining insight into what students are loving about studying in FASS.
Check out the full playlist

Hey, everyone.
Welcome back to the latest season of On the Ground.
I'm Bree, and alongside our host, Trinity,
we're going to be talking all about the undergraduate
course disciplines that the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has to offer.
Today, we're going to be starting off with the Media Arts and Production course
discipline, which is a course discipline within the Bachelor of Communication.
In this course
students get to know everything that they need to pursue a career in film,
television, multimedia and digital content creation.
From this course, graduates have gone on to complete projects
such as The Handmaid's Tale, The Lego Movie, and The Hunger Games.
Let's go chat to a MAP student and see what's up
with the course.
Hi, I'm Jordan, I'm 22 this year and I'm from Singapore,
so I'm studying a Bachelor of Communication and majoring in media,
arts and production I actually always had a keen interest
in cameras, screen, photography, anything camera related.
I was always very interested in the behind the scenes of films
and how they came about, and the idea of working in a team,
creating something from nothing always appealed to me.
I think an area that I'm really, really interested in would be like casting,
art design, set design, things like that, and also cinematography as well.
Just thinking about the composition
of how everything looks on screen, how to make everything just come to life,
and just documenting these real life issues and lives that people live
would be something meaningful for me because I'm from Singapore.
It's, I guess it's just very it's just a very different way of life.
But it's very similar in lots of ways.
So I think just finding out how Australians live
or just international, even international students
using film to share
the experience in their stories
will be an area that I,
I would enjoy and I would love to have an opportunity
to do that once I graduate, even just working on areas that I'm not
too confident in, for example, writing or directing,
producing I think these are very important skills to have there.
I think having like a well-rounded
set of expertize would be beneficial
for me as an as a media practitioner in the future
and just exploring things that are outside of my comfort zone as well.
Yeah, looking forward to that.
That was awesome.
It's great to see the next generation of Spielbergs and Scorseses
on their way to the Oscars.
This was On the Ground.
We'll see you next time for more info on your study options as a FASS student. Bye!
On The Ground - season 2
On The Ground shows you through one of uni's best parts: the societies.
Check the full playlist

Hello and welcome back to On The Ground
the FASS Student's guide to rejoining society post-Covid.
Hi, my name is Trinity Nguyen and I'm one of two brand new hosts
taking over the series from Gio after his graduation.
Today we are going to begin Season 2 of our brand-new series: The Societies Series.
We will be covering favourites both old and new,
as well as some key international societies
Starting off the list, we have the C.R.A.P. society -
and no, it isn't about going to the toilet.
It is the Comedy, Revue and Performance Society! Let's get to it.
Hi, my name is Kerim Col and I am the President of UTS' Comedy, Revue and Performance Society
otherwise known as C.R.A.P.
Our society is pretty much the catch all of performance.
The main things that we specialise in are called Revues
which are basically like SNL style skit comedy shows but done on stage.
We're also looking at catching more performance that isn't currently accommodated at UTS
so we're going to be doing regular TheatreSports nights
as well as performance poetry nights.
Anything that you want, we're trying to provide for
more-so now and we're going to be doing things like Film nights and anything that makes you laugh, giggle, or have a bit of a chuff.
2020 was a year that obviously was a little bit... unconventional.
So we were doing a lot of Zoom events and actually, despite all odds, and this crew and cast being
put through it, we did end up having Revue be put on in 2020,
at the very end, it is an absolute triumph and pride
of our society that we got to pull that off.
I've made my best friends through C.R.A.P.
There's something about being in a room full of funny people who just like to
have that catharsis of laughing about something.
You're going to get a taste and you're not going to want to leave.
2019 we had our... what we call a Main Revue, which is pretty much
a general catch-all Revue, and then we also do Identity Revues
in which we give a particular under-represented group
and we give them the stage and we're like: you know what? Put on what you want to put on.
And we had our first Queer Revue in 2019 I believe.
So join us, and don't be afraid!
The best way to contact us is to find us on our social media
which on Instagram is @CRAP.UTS
and on Facebook, because of their regulations,
is UTS Comedy, Revue and Performance Society.
The Revue society is the place to be if you love performing,
and you just love being on-screen/stage!
If you're keen to put on some of the best shows on-campus,
go ahead and sign up.
Join us next time as we show you some of the latest and greatest societies
that UTS has to offer. See you guys next time, bye!
On The Ground - season 1
Uncover the secrets of student life at UTS with the first season of the new series: On The Ground.
Check the full playlist

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to On The Ground, your source of uni life hacks here at UTS.
Introducing a new web series, showcasing student life at UTS. Learn about where to eat, how to meet people and where to get help.
Make the most of your time on the ground.