Shipwreck Odyssey by long-time Visualisation Institute collaborators Box of Birds & Stalker Theatre featured interactive systems developed with UTS over many years.
Over the school holidays, Ship Wreck Odyssey, a theatre performance and interactive playscape that took you beneath the turquoise waves and coral cays of Queensland’s Wreck Reefs was held at the Australian National Maritime Museum.
The theatre performance combined live storytelling and performance with a state-of-the-art responsive projection playscape.
Voyaged beneath the turquoise waves and coral cays of Queensland’s Wreck Reefs as the ghost ship Jenny Lind leads you on an adventure into the wild wonders and mysteries of our oceans.
Children danced with stingrays, basked with whales, swirl through spectacular shipwreck reefs and run with vistas of plankton in a magical storytelling and playscape.