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Relationships to land and the endurance of ritual and belief are central to the work of Justine Youssef, whose auto-ethnographic films and installations reflect upon the impacts of displacement through forced migration, and consider our complicity in the reproduction of these conditions.

Supported by Creative Australia’s VACS Major Commissioning Fund and co-commissioned by UTS Gallery, the Institute of Modern Art and Adelaide Contemporary Experimental, Justine Youssef’s solo exhibition Somewhat Eternal (2023) takes form as a multi-sensory installation.

Drawing on familial narratives, Somewhat Eternal expands to consider how states of refuge can uphold cycles of dispossession. Through the maintenance and documentation of inherited practices, Youssef prompts a search for hope. Within acts of preservation, fragmented and altered across geographies, lies a belief in futurity and the alternatives it can offer us.

About the artist

Justine Youssef’s work often begins with moments and places that reconfigure authoritative realities, most recently exhibiting With the toughest care, the most economical tenderness at the Hawai’i Triennial, O’ahu (2022); A Gateway or a Key at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney (2022) and Under the table I learnt how to feed you at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney (2022). She lives across Wangal and Dharug Countries in Sydney, Australia, where she was a Parramatta Artist Studios resident (2018-21) and a recipient of the Copyright Agency’s John Fries Award (2019).

Gallery directions

UTS Gallery

Level 4, Peter Johnson Building (Building 6) 
702 Harris St, Ultimo, 
University of Technology, Sydney

View map

Touring dates

Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane: 27 January – 6 April 2024

Adelaide Contemporary Experimental: 31 August– 19 October 2024

Somewhat Eternal is a co-commission by Adelaide Contemporary Experimental, the Institute of Modern Art, and UTS Gallery & Art Collection. This project is supported by the Australia Council for the Arts' Visual Arts and Crafts Strategy (VACS) Major Commissioning Projects fund and by the Gordon Darling Foundation. The National Art School supports the practice of academic staff and is proud to support Justine Youssef’s exhibition as part of the Academic Staff Development Grant Program.


Logos for Australia Council and Gordon Darling
Logos for ACE and IMA
Logos for NAS and UAMA




Banner image: Justine Youssef, Somewhat Eternal (2023), three channel video (still), 11 minutes. Courtesy the artist. 

Related event

Exhibition Opening 

tHURSDAY 5 october 2023

6pm - 8pm

Join us to celebrate the launch of Justine Youssef Somewhat Eternal.  


Related event

Workshop: Each time it breaks, my heart opens more 

saturday 11 november 2023

11am - 1pm

A workshop with Justine Youssef and Gianna Christella Hayes. 


PRESS FOR ‘Somewhat eternal’

Art Guide Australia, Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen 

Justine Youssef evokes the scent of history.

Read in Art Guide Australia

PRESS FOR ‘Somewhat eternal’

Memo Review, Yuna Lee

11 November 2023

Read in Memo Review

Contact us

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
11am — 4pm


University of Technology, Sydney
Level 4, 702 Harris St, Ultimo, NSW

Plan your visit

General Enquiries

+612 9514 1652

Full contact details