WHO CC NM Intern: Alyssa Graf
My experience at WHO CC NM UTS has been an eye-opening and rewarding experience, to say the least. Having come from a nursing background, I have really appreciated the opportunity to gain insight into another side of nursing and healthcare. Global health is a strong personal interest of mine; hence it was incredible to be able to see such inspiring and impactful examples of global health concepts being applied in the nursing context.
Throughout the nursing degree we heavily examine nursing and health theory relating to concepts of person-centred care, empowerment, and the nurse’s influence in social justice and equity. I feel that in clinical placements in a hospital setting, there is often a level of disconnect between theory and practice. However, at WHO CC NM UTS it has been very exciting to see these principles being applied in a real-world setting, in a way that has a genuine impact on the regions with which the Centre works.
I heavily admire the Centre’s emphasis on supporting and empowering nursing leaders in the Western Pacific Region, and their respect for and desire to learn from the leaders with whom they collaborate. The opportunity to work alongside other staff and interns of a variety of professional backgrounds has also been very rewarding. I have learnt so much from being a part of a collaboration of individuals with bac
kgrounds in nursing, research, public health and communications, especially in regard to perceiving challenges from alternative perspectives.
All in all, my time at WHO CC NM UTS has opened my eyes up to the multitude of opportunities and possibilities that exist within the world of global health nursing. I would recommend it highly to anyone who has an interest within the field.