The Law | Health | Justice symposium, Menstruation, Law and Justice, held on 16 February 2023 at UTS, featured critical discussion and reflection on human rights, social justice, law, and menstruation. The keynote presentation was given by visiting Fulbright Scholar (funded by UTS) Professor Margaret E Johnson of the University of Baltimore School of Law, who discussed issues of menstrual injustice in the United States.
In a first of its kind collaboration, transdisciplinary Australian researchers, activists, and policy makers—in law, Indigenous women’s health, public health, disability rights, human rights, psychology, children’s rights, tax law and policy, industrial relations, political economy, sociology, health, and feminism —came together to share their research and propose policy reform to advance human rights and justice for menstruators.
Based on the knowledge and information shared, the undersigned Symposium participants propose the Policy Recommendations, contained in the document below, for reform by all levels of government in Australia to advance human rights and justice for menstruators.
The symposium was organised by Beth Goldblatt and Linda Steele of UTS and Law | Health | Justice. See the event program here: Menstruation, Law and Justice Program.

Header Photo: Symposium participants (Credit: Cristina Ricci)