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Open space and recreation needs strategy

Shellharbour City Council engaged us to develop an Open Space and Recreational Needs Study and Strategy, aligned to the strategic priorities of Council and the community.

The Challenge

In late 2018, Shellharbour City Council commissioned the IPPG Centre of Local Government (IPPG:CLG) to research and develop: 

  • a comprehensive Needs Study and future projections of open space, sports and recreation facilities across the Local Government Area (LGA) 

  • a 10-year Strategy and Action Plan to guide Council decision making, planning, activation and management of its open spaces, sports and recreation facilities for the 2020-2030 period. 

What we did 

The project involved detailed mapping of Shellharbour’s current and projected upgrades to open space, sports and recreational infrastructure; desktop research of best practice in open space planning, activation and management; a review of existing policies, standards, benchmarks and funding models; plus a comprehensive community engagement program including representative telephone survey, online feedback options, key stakeholder interviews and focus groups. A synthesis of IPPG’s findings were published as the Open Space and Recreation Needs Study

This evidence then informed IPPG:CLG's development of Council’s 2021-30 Open Space and Recreation Strategy


IPPG:CLG’s Needs Study and Strategy was adopted by Council in April 2020. As well as providing a clear set of guiding principles and priorities, the Strategy contains detailed actions to help plan, manage, fund and activate open spaces, parks, sports and recreational facilities for the next 10 years. 

Our work