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Pacific Connect Program Monitoring and Evaluation

Pacific Connect was designed to forge strong and enduring strategic relationships between Australia and Pacific Islands in support of the Australian Government’s Pacific Step-Up. IPPG was commissioned to monitor and evaluate the Pacific Connects two-year pilot and subsequent three-year implementation. 

The challenge  

Pacific Connect was an initiative designed to forge strong and enduring strategic relationships between Australia and Pacific Island nations, in support of the Australian Government’s Pacific Step-Up. The Program was funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and delivered by the International Centre for Democratic Partnerships (ICDP). A successful two-year pilot was launched in 2017, and in October 2020 the Program was extended for a further three years to October 2022. IPPG was engaged to monitor and evaluate the Program’s two-year pilot and its subsequent three-year implementation.  

What we did  

The monitoring and evaluation Pacific Connect was based on a mixed-methods approach that used a variety of data sources including, online surveys, in-depth interviews, case studies, social media analysis, program documentation and video footage. Over the five-year period these data sources were analysed to assess the Program’s implementation, delivery and achievements in relation to its intended outcomes, which included: 

  • Facilitating a greater exchange of business ideas and collaboration between Australia and the Pacific, with a focus on tech driven opportunities.  

  • Shaping and influencing emerging leaders from the Pacific, with a particular focus on promoting Pacific women as current and future leaders  

  • Increasing Australia's regional standing and links in the region by cultivating enduring relationships between current and emerging leaders from Australia and the Pacific 

  • Enabling Pacific Islanders to deepen their understanding and appreciation of Australia through participation in the range of Pacific Connect program activities, and as a member of the Pacific Connect Community.  


The evaluation evidence has clearly shown that the Program has had an impact in strengthening networks and forging lasting relationships between Australia and the Pacific. The Program saw high levels of retention of participants engaged in the Pacific Connect Community from the early stages through to the end. Further, the Program actively enabled the identification and nurtured the development of ideas, business opportunities and partnerships.