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The Centre for Local Government (CLG) operates as an independent, cross-faculty centre within the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). Since 1991, the Centre for Local Government has been at the forefront of consulting, research, and professional development in the realm of local government. We are committed to empowering communities and local government leaders through innovative solutions and meaningful dialogue.

As the largest centre of its kind in Australia, we are dedicated to advancing the field of local government. We foster a collaborative approach and have built strong relationships with a wide array of local government associations, professional institutes, and academic bodies, both in Australia and internationally. Additionally, we work in close partnership with governmental organisations at the local, state, and federal levels.

Why Partner with Us

  • In-Depth Understanding: We grasp the unique needs and challenges that local governments face, tailoring our services to meet those specific requirements.

  • Practical Solutions: Our real-world focus ensures that the advisory services we offer are not just theoretical but are actionable and easily implementable.

  • Cutting-Edge Expertise: Benefit from the latest research and insights, as we bring in world-leading subject matter and technical experts from UTS to consult on your projects.

  • Collaborative Learning: We offer a conducive environment for peer-to-peer learning, facilitating open dialogue and the exchange of best practices to help you grow.

  • Seasoned Leadership: Our team consists of experienced senior leaders who have a proven track record in navigating the complexities of the public sector.

  • Global Connections: Leverage our extensive national and international networks, built over 30 years, to access a wealth of international research and expertise.

Ready to meet the minds shaping the future of local government? Our team of experts is committed to driving change through research, policy, and community engagement. Get to know us better and discover how we're making a difference

  • Shaping the Future of Local Government

    Discover how the Institute for Public Policy and Governance, through the Centre for Local Government, is shaping the future of local government in Australia.

    Whether you're an emerging leader or an established professional, our courses are tailored to meet your unique needs and can be delivered in various formats.

    Watch the video to find out how we measure success and strive to create public value.

  • (00:05):

    The Institute for Public Policy and Governance is proud through the Centre for Local Government to be part of the UTS vision, to provide a lifelong learning for people in industry and in various walks of life. And we know that the local government sector is a critical sector for government in Australia, and we hope to broaden our focus on local government this year through the relaunch of the Centre for Local Government.


    There are three areas to the Centre for Local Government. The first is professional development learning. We offer a whole range of bespoke tailored solutions and professional development solutions for local government professionals seeking micro-credentials or particular learning and development opportunities. We also offer a whole suite of postgraduate programs, whether you are an emerging leader or an established leader in your organization, and maybe you might be interested in studying an M B A. Finally, we have research and advisory services, and these really support local government professionals dealing with different challenges and looking for different solutions, and we hope to work through those challenges with them and provide tailored solutions.


    The courses offered by IPPG can be delivered in a range of ways, whether that is on campus here, on the beautiful grounds of UTS online or at your council chambers. We work across a diversity of areas, whether they be metropolitan, regional, remote councils, and we are able to design curriculum that is reflective of the unique needs that each individual council is facing. The teaching team at IPPG, like myself have a very strong focus on applied learning. So we are both interested in you as a student developing a deep understanding and working knowledge of the foundation principles and practices in the chosen area of local government that you're studying. But we also want you to walk away with a strong toolkit and acquired skills so that when you get back to council, your work is meaningful and impactful.


    IPPG is really serious about measuring the success of our programs. Firstly, we look at learner experience and their satisfaction around that. Secondly, we look at the alignment of our programs with industry, the latest industry sector needs. And thirdly, we step back and we look at whether we are delivering on public good and creating public value.

What people say about us

  • Thank you to you and your team. It was such a great effort in such a small amount of time.

    - State government client

  • I was very impressed with the report, it has been a highlight for me. You comprehensively addressed all the questions I had... in essence, you met expectations and went beyond them.

    - Federal government client

  • You have been wonderful to work with and also very patient with us throughout the entirety of this project.

    - Federal agency client

View looking up at UTS campus buildings with UTS Tower in the background

Get in Touch

UTS Tower Building 1, Level 21
15 Broadway, Ultimo, NSW, 2007

 +61 2 9514 7884

Contact Us

Professional Development

Ready to elevate your skills in local government? Our short courses, microcredentials and postgraduate qualifications are designed to empower you for success.


Need expert advice on local government issues? Our consulting services provide targeted guidance to help you navigate the complex challenges in local government.


Looking for tailored research solutions to address your local government challenges? Our research services offer customised insights to meet your specific local government needs.