As a leading international centre for collaborative research, our work is underpinned by a commitment to engaging community, improving quality and safety, and optimising dignity and function.
Key research areas
Engaging Community
We are focused on optimising the health and wellbeing of individuals living with chronic illness, their families, and carers. Understanding the perspectives and experiences and addressing the unmet needs of aged, chronic and palliative care patients and their families is central to all of our research and education endeavours. Our engagement with communities and consumers is critical to shaping our response to developing and testing strategies to for improve the quality of care across the care continuum.
Improving quality and safety
Ensuring that Australians with aged, chronic and palliative care needs have the right to safe, compassionate and appropriate care is our priority. We achieve this by developing and promoting best evidence-based care and access to safe medications and treatments for these populations across care settings.
Optimising dignity and physical function
Much of our work is focused on developing the evidence to optimise the comfort and dignity of patients and their families. We aim to implement optimal treatment pathways to reduce the risk, duration and severity of reversible symptoms and syndromes experienced by people with aged, chronic illness and/or palliative care needs.