Stephen Peterson
I first heard about consumer representatives through a friend who had become a consumer representative, and one of his roles was with Safer Care Victoria (SCV).
I soon became interested in the role and thought it was something I also could enjoy doing. My friend kindly referred me to SCV and after a chat, I was invited to join one of their committees, which focused on issues affecting the elderly.
While I had no lived experience of my own relevant to the position, since 2014 I had been a volunteer visitor to two aged care facilities, in addition to elderly friends who I had visited in their homes and aged care facilities.
It was a steep learning curve, but I like to think I learnt quickly, and certainly made every effort to be a good contributor.
Since then, I have been on numerous other SCV committees. SCV is a leader in utilising the knowledge and experience of consumers, which makes it a very rewarding and stimulating environment. Through SCV, I have also had the opportunity to address conferences about my experiences, as well as be a member of committees and expert working groups.
My ‘career’ as a consumer has progressed in other directions also, largely associated with issues relating to the elderly, but some far more broadly, due to my more general experience now as a consumer. For example, I am a member of two committees within the Royal Flying Doctor Service Vic, and a member of the Consumer Advisory Group of the Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust. I have worked with the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), through the NHMRC, and am a consumer within a research project funded by the MRFF looking into an aspect of elderly care.
It goes without saying that I very much enjoy the role of a consumer advisor. The subject matter is interesting and provides a great learning opportunity. I am always associated with educated, knowledgeable (often far more than me), intelligent people; and I enjoy having my say and representing the public, especially the elderly (a cohort I am edging into myself).
As for IMPACCT, and similarly with the other groups I’m a consumer with, the subject matter interested me and I felt I could make a contribution. Through IMPACCT, I am involved in the Palliative Care in Prisons Project. This is a topic I am very interested in, bringing together as it does issues pertaining to (usually, but not always) elderly people, who are in prison.
I don’t know if I have done enough yet for IMPACCT to say what I’m proud of, but whatever contribution I can make that is considered of any value I am pleased about. More generally though, I am somewhat proud, and quite pleased, of what I have been able to achieve with my consumer role over the past four years or so.
Through IMPACCT, I have learnt something about the numerous research ideas and projects we are asked to consider, plus the whole process of preparing a research proposal and application for funding. More generally again, with IMPACCT and other groups I’m part of, mixing with such high-quality people is a wonderful learning and stimulating experience. While hopefully I’m making some kind of positive contribution, I know as a certainty I am gaining a lot from the involvement.