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Research centres by topic area

This page lists our research centres by topic area. 

We also provide listings of the centres sorted:

Technology and design

Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute

The Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute (AAII) is a world leading research institute in artificial intelligence.

Centre for Advanced Manufacturing

The UTS Centre for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) supports Australian manufacturers on this journey, helping them to embrace digital transformation and drive increased self-sufficiency/on-shoring of manufacturing in a post-Covid-19 world.

Centre for Advanced Modelling and Geospatial lnformation Systems

CAMGIS was established in 2018 to strengthen Australia’s research in spatial information systems focusing on applications and software that can be used particularly in the variety of predictive systems and mapping applications.

Centre for Audio, Acoustics and Vibration

Dedicated to translating innovative blue-sky ideas into impactful discoveries, focusing on novel materials, sensor technologies, and measurement techniques for the sustainability, sovereignty, and resilience of Australia.

Centre for Electrical Machines and Power Electronics

A centre of excellence for research expertise in electromagnetics, magnetic materials, power electronics, control electronics, electrical engineering, fluid dynamics and mechanical engineering.

Centre for Quantum Software and Information

The UTS Centre for Quantum Software and Information is dedicated to the development of the software and information processing infrastructure required for future quantum technologies.

Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater

We are a leading research centre in the field of alternative water sources. Our team is focused on the development of innovative technologies that deliver abundant supplies of recycled, desalinated and harvested storm water.

Data Science Institute

The UTS Data Science Institute has deep experience in helping businesses and government unleash value from their data that supports evidence-based decisions. We deliver practical, innovative solutions to solve real-world challenges.

Global Big Data Technologies Centre

We are an international centre of excellence for the development of enabling technologies for big data science and analytics, working closely with industry and communities to deliver real-world impact.

Robotics Institute

Our experts develop customised robotics solutions to maximise productivity, improve quality and safety, and generate efficiencies for our commercial, government and not-for-profit partners.

Transport Research Centre

We are global leaders in smart transportation systems – enhancing the design, performance and management of critical transportation infrastructure in modern complex environments.

Visualisation Institute

At the UTS Visualisation Institute, we draw on cross-disciplinary research and expertise to create data visualisations, stories and immersive experiences.


Health and science

Australian Institute for Microbiology and Infection

Through discovery and applied research, the Australian Institute for Microbiology and Infection (AIMI) seeks to build a better understanding of how microbes grow, live, adapt and survive in all environments and as part of complex, interconnected systems.

Australian Stuttering Research Centre

The team at the Australian Stuttering Research Centre conduct world-class research and provide specialist treatment services.

Centre for Clean Energy Technology

The Centre for Clean Energy Technology focuses on the development of efficient devices for energy harvesting, storage, and conversion.

Centre for Forensic Science

The Centre gathers academics and associate industry partners who share the vision that crime reduction, crime solving and national security in general are important for society.

Climate Change Cluster

The Climate Change Cluster (C3) provides a deeper understanding of the world’s aquatic plant and microbe ecosystems that are critical to the wellbeing of the global community. We produce new insights that address the challenges of human and ecological interactions with the climate.

Climate, Society and Environment Research Centre (C-SERC)

Contributing to understanding – and shaping transformations – in the way societies interact with energy, technology and the living environment.

Human Performance Research Centre

The Human Performance Research Centre is a collaborative, transdisciplinary research centre with world-leading researchers in the areas of sport, exercise science and human performance.

IMPACCT (Improving Palliative, Aged and Chronic Care through Clinical Research and Translation)

Improving Palliative, Aged and Chronic Care through Clinical Research and Translation (IMPACCT) focuses on interdisciplinary collaborative research optimising the health and wellbeing of individuals living with life-limiting illnesses and their families.

Institute for Biomedical Materials and Devices

Transforming advances in photonics and materials into revolutionary biomedical technologies. We are a unique team, carrying out interdisciplinary, international and industrial collaborative research that will meet end-users’ urgent needs.

The Kidman Centre

We are a non-profit organisation dedicated to the understanding, prevention and reduction of mental health problems in young people aged 5 to 25, so that they can thrive through their formative years.

UTS Centenary Centre for Inflammation

Our focus is on investigating the development and progression of chronic respiratory diseases such as COPD, asthma, lung cancer and infections using mouse and human tissues.

Centre for Advanced Modelling and Geospatial lnformation Systems

CAMGIS was established in 2018 to strengthen Australia’s research in spatial information systems focusing on applications and software that can be used particularly in the variety of predictive systems and mapping applications.

Centre for Compassionate Conservation

The UTS Centre for Compassionate Conservation (CfCC) is dedicated to transforming conservation actions through transdisciplinary methods, by reimagining the relationship between humanity and the natural world.

Centre for Green Technology

The Centre for Green Technology aims to develop novel technology for future clean fuels, vehicle emissions measurement, and environmental decontamination.

UTS Centenary Centre for Inflammation

Our focus is on investigating the development and progression of chronic respiratory diseases such as COPD, asthma, lung cancer and infections using mouse and human tissues.

Human Performance Research Centre

The Human Performance Research Centre is a collaborative, transdisciplinary research centre with world-leading researchers in the areas of sport, exercise science and human performance.


Business and law

Anti-Slavery Australia

Australian leaders in the anti-slavery movement. The only specialist legal practice, research and policy centre committed to the abolition of modern slavery in Australia.

Centre for Business and Sustainable Development

CBSD is committed to transforming society by connecting research to evidence-based practical outcomes that will create positive social change.

Centre for Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

The Centre for Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (BIDA) is dedicated to developing evidence-based innovative solutions for government, private sector organisations, industry peak bodies and not-for-profit organisations.

Centre for Behavioural Science and Policy Design

Our centre sheds light on human behaviour and decision-making at the individual, group and organisational levels to create an evidence-informed base to study policy and market design questions.

Centre for Climate Risk and Resilience

At the Centre for Climate Risk and Resilience (CCRR), we’re helping businesses address the physical and transition risks bought on by climate change — developing new strategies for value creation and sustainability.

Change for Good @ UTS

At Change for Good at UTS we're addressing complex health and social problems through transdisciplinary behaviour and social change research. Our team adopt strategic, participatory and multi-level approaches to develop real-world behaviour and social change.


Politics and society

Australia-China Relations Institute

The Australia-China Relations Institute (UTS:ACRI) is an independent, non-partisan research institute established in 2014 by the University of Technology Sydney.

Centre for Research on Education in a Digital Society

We explore the dynamic relationship between technology and learning – across formal, informal, and professional education contexts throughout the lifespan.

Australian Centre for Public History

The Australian Centre for Public History (ACPH) is a critical hub for public history in Australia.

Centre for Media Transition

The Centre for Media Transition (CMT) is an applied research unit based at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). Launched in 2017, the CMT is an interdisciplinary initiative of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law.

Institute for Public Policy and Governance

The Institute for Public Policy and Governance (IPPG) at UTS brings experienced, senior leaders together with UTS subject matter expertise to create public good.



Centre for Compassionate Conservation

The UTS Centre for Compassionate Conservation (CfCC) is dedicated to transforming conservation actions through transdisciplinary methods, by reimagining the relationship between humanity and the natural world.

Institute for Sustainable Futures

ISF brings together expertise from a diverse range of disciplines to deliver practical solutions for our partners, and to empower our students to effect positive change in the years to come.

Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research

The Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research aims to produce the highest quality research on Indigenous legal and policy issues and to develop highly skilled Indigenous researchers.