The CTWW environmental engineering labs facilitate high impact water and wastewater research. These laboratories are home to world-class equipment, which we share with a number of other universities and research organisations.

As well as bench and laboratory scale systems, we have a significant number of pilot scale installations. These allow our team to test their research and technology developments in real-world environments. We have also installed pilot scale facilities at the Sydney Institute of Marine Sciences.
Analytical instruments
- Total/dissolved organic carbon analyser
- Ion chromatography equipment
- High performance liquid chromatography equipment
- Atomic absorption spectrometer
- Microwave plasma-atomic emission spectrometer
- Gas chromatography mass spectrometer (Triple quad)
- Liquid chromatography mass spectrometer (Single quad)
- UV-analyser
- Zetasizer
- Fourier transform infrared spectrometer
- Field-flow fractionation
- Malvern 2000 particle size analyser
- Contact angle analyser
- Automatic sieving system
- Vacuum drying oven
- Drying oven
- Furnace oven
- Ultrasonic bath
- Merck spectrophotometer
- HACH spectrophotometer
- Inline pressure measurement system
- Automated titration system
Membrane and media filtration systems
Lab scale systems
- Reverse osmosis system
- Lab scale direct contact membrane distillation system
- Lab scale cross flow micro-filtration, ultra-filtration and nano-filtration system
- Lab scale dead-end micro-filtration, ultra-filtration and nano-filtration system
- Lab scale modified fouling index and silt density index measurement system
- Lab scale electro spinning system for membrane fabrication
- Lab scale membrane bioreactor system
- Lab scale forward osmosis system
- Lab scale bio-filtration system
- Lab scale media filtration system
- Pilot scale stainless steel membrane filtration system
Pilot scale systems
- Pilot scale membrane bioreactor system
- Pilot scale ultra-filtration system
- Pilot scale reverse osmosis system
- Pilot forward osmosis system
- Pilot scale vacuum membrane distillation system