Working with CREST

What we offer
CREST provides services to individual Cancer Collaborative CTGs, as well as developing products and services that will benefit all CTGs. Development of capacity and capability with the CTGs to develop and undertake economic analysis is an important part of our strategy.
Services available to CTGs from CREST include:
- Advice and support for planning and analysis of health economics in cancer trials
- Advice on the development of health economic studies within existing trials
- Developing trial protocols appropriate for health economic analysis
- Expert advice on health economic data collection and analysis
- Input on the design and conduct of economic models developed by CTGs
- Advice on appraising health care interventions and health economics results
- Capacity building through workshops, seminars, briefing papers and structured training opportunities
- Collaborative relations with the Cancer Australia Cancer Quality of Life Office (QOLO), Genomic Cancer Clinical Trials Initiative (GCCTI), Asia Pacific Clinical Oncology Research Development (ACORD) and Centre for Biostatistics and Clinical Trials (BACT)
- Input to CTG Concept Development Workshops (CDWs)
- Input/membership on CTG Scientific Advisory Committees (SACs) by invitation
When to contact us — getting in early
If you are thinking about whether your grant proposal might require health economics input, please contact CREST. It is never too early to think about how your research results might be applied, particularly to answer questions about resource allocation.
CREST can provide that advice. This includes preparing a CREST review of your study design in terms of its suitability for an economic evaluation, providing ad-hoc advice (phone or e-mail) on protocol development, or participating in protocol and grant development and grant workshops.
Contact CREST about incorporating health economics into a proposed study, or using it to understand the implications of completed trial contact us.