To assist the history community, the Centre maintains a register of professionals (typically ECRs and HDRs) available to assist on history research projects. This register is publicised in our weekly newsletter as well as by our friends in the history community such as the Australian Historical Association.
Please note that while we regularly update the register, the Australian Centre for Public History and the University of Technology Sydney are not party to any employment arrangement between researcher and assistant. It is our aim merely to bring you together. Also note, that in providing your email address you are giving consent for your details to be published on a google sheet that will be linked to the Australian Centre for Public History website, and publicly accessible.
Find a Research Assistant
View the list of researchers who have registered with us.
Add your name to the RA register
Add your name to the RA Register
Complete this form and your info will be immediately included on the register. A copy of your answers will also be emailed to the address you provide.
If you have any questions please email