Tracy Taylor teaches at the Russian International Olympic University
Professor Tracy Taylor was invited to teach in Sport Administration Master at the Russian International Olympic University (RIOU) in Sochi, Russia.
Established in 2009 under the Memorandum of Understanding between the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Sochi 2014 Organising Committee and the Russian Olympic Committee. RIOU is the world's first university dedicated to sport business education, offering unique programmes infused with Olympic values and experiences. RIOU's activities concentrate on training specialists in sports management for the Russian and international sports industry, and the Olympic and Paralympic Movements. The University's educational programmes cover the main aspects of sports education: venue and infrastructure management, competitions, mass communications, diplomacy and administration, and career management.
RIOU's mission is to:
- Create a next generation university - the very best in the sphere of sports and Olympic education
- Prepare leaders for the Russian and worldwide sports industry
- Build modern research facilities for the Olympic Movement and Russian sport
- Keep and develop the Olympic legacy of the Sochi 2014 Winter Games.