UTS has launched a new Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-24 (PDF, 437KB).
Foreword from the Vice-Chancellor
Our vision at UTS is to be a leading public university of technology, recognised for our global impact.
Achieving this is inextricably tied to providing an open, inclusive, and supportive environment for every member of our community. Our systems must support students, staff and members of wider communities to fulfil their potential and offer their full contribution to society.
UTS first initiated disability action planning in 1997. Over the past two decades, UTS has continued to work to support people with disability. Now, well into the 21st century, we exist in an increasingly digital world. It is imperative that our accessible environments extend to virtual spaces, and we continue to enhance our digital service delivery with accessibility in mind.
I acknowledge that the institutional setting in which this work takes place is not just about infrastructure. It is about building knowledge and capabilities within our human capital, nurturing the kind of community we aspire to be and continuing to educate ourselves and others about the importance of accessibility for all people.
This plan outlines our commitment to be a university in which individuals with disability can actively participate and excel. It is my sincere hope that the plan, which reflects the voices of those with lived experience of disability, will strengthen our university-wide commitment and enhance our ability to deliver it.
UTS is proud to present this plan and I commend it for implementation by everyone in the UTS community.
We are, and always will be, an inclusive university.
Professor Attila Brungs
Vice-Chancellor and President
University of Technology Sydney
You can read the Access and Inclusion Plan online (PDF, 437KB). An accessible version of the plan is also available online (PDF, 454KB). UTS welcomes feedback on this Access and Inclusion Plan, which can be provided to the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion.