How much funding is available?
Grants of either $5,000 or $10,000 are available.
There are no restrictions or requirements on how the grant funding should be used. However, we ask that you provide a clear and detailed budget in your application.
Does my proposed research or practice project need to involve a community partner?
Yes, if you are applying as part of the ‘Thriving Communities’ theme.
We would like to see evidence that the community partner has a significant level of interest and involvement. It’s important for them to be engaged in the design and implementation of the project.
If you are applying to the ‘Safe and Inclusive UTS’ category, you do not need to have a community partner, but you are welcome to collaborate with partners if you wish.
Who qualifies as a community partner?
Examples of community partners may include:
- An NGO or charity
- A peak body organisation
- A local health district or school
- An individual community member
- A grassroots community organisation
- Traditional Owners or Elders
- An activist/advocacy group
Industry partners, commercial entities, or other university staff members do not count as community partners under the Thriving Communities theme.
What do you need from our community partners to demonstrate their partnership?
We ask you provide a short letter of support from your community partners to demonstrate their support and engagement in the project.
In your application, you will also need to clearly explain how you and your partner are collaborating together. We want to know how your partner is involved in the project, how you are working together and how you are ensuring the project is co-led.
Are the grants specifically for research staff, or can UTS professional staff also apply?
All UTS staff members, including professional, academic, casual, continuing, and sessional can apply.
Projects and staff from the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion will not be considered for funding.
Can students apply?
Yes! Both undergraduate and higher degree research students can apply for the grants. They will need to have a nominated staff supervisor for their project, who will receive the funds and act as a mentor throughout the process.
We encourage students to work with their staff mentor to develop their application.
The application does ask for evidence of experience and understanding in the area you will be working on – so you’re encouraged to outline your experience, as well as the experience of your mentor.
Can I talk to someone about my project/application before submitting?
Yes! Please email with your inquiry and we will find a time to talk to you about your application.
I have multiple projects that meet the criteria. Can I apply for more than one grant?
Yes, you can. Please ensure you lodge a separate application for each individual project.
Previous Social Impact Grant recipients may apply but will not be considered for a similar or related project in the 2025 round.
What ethics process do I need to follow?
There are no ethics requirements for the grant application process; however, your project will need to adhere to UTS Ethics and Integrity guidelines. You can read about these here.
Can I see the application questions before completing the online form?
Yes. You can access the form by starting an application on GoodGrants or clicking the links below.
Click here to see a blank copy of the application form for Thriving Communities theme.
Click here to see a blank copy of the application form for the Safe and Inclusive theme.
What if I can’t attend the information session or evaluation workshops?
The information session will be recorded and made available on the Social Impact Grants website roughly one week after the session.
The evaluation workshops are mandatory for successful applicants. If you are unable to attend for a reasonable reason (e.g. you’re teaching), please don’t let this stop you from applying. We will negotiate with successful applications on dates to ensure everyone can attend.
May I apply as part of a team with researchers or practitioners from other universities?
Yes, we encourage project teams to apply, noting the lead of the project must be a UTS staff member.
Please note, fellow academics and practitioners from other universities are not counted as community partners in the ‘Thriving Communities’ theme.
How do I apply?
All applications must be submitted online, through the Good Grants platform.
The Good Grants platform will allow you to save your application progress as you go. Late and incomplete applications will not be accepted for review.
If you require more information or have any issues with GoodGrants, we encourage you to email us at