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Mental health first aid
The 12-hour Mental Health First Aid course teaches adults how to provide initial support to people who are developing a mental illness or experiencing a mental health crisis. Course participants learn about the signs and symptoms of common and disabling mental health problems, how to provide initial help, where and how to get professional help, what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective, and how to provide first aid in a crisis situation.
Two full days (on-campus):
Standard MHFA refresher course
The Standard MHFA Refresher Course is a 4 hour face-to-face courses that allow people who have previously completed the Standard MHFA course to refresh their knowledge and skills. For people who are accredited MHFAiders, this course offers an opportunity to extend their accreditation for a further 3 years.
Mental wellbeing and self-care
In a fast paced and complex world, we are forced to manage competing priorities. This ongoing stress increases our vulnerability and reduces our capacity to deal with day-to-day difficulties of life. This session will provide an introduction to mental health, the signs and symptoms of mental ill-health, and the impact of mental ill-health on functioning. You will learn strategies to assist those around you are experiencing symptoms of mental ill-health and self-care strategies to increase mental well-being.
Half day (on-campus):
Youth mental health first aid
The 14-hour Youth Mental Health First Aid Course is for adults who work, live or care for adolescents, such as school staff, parents, sports coaches, community group leaders and youth workers. You will learn how to assist an adolescent who may be experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves, using a practical, evidence based action plan.
Full day (on-campus): Enquire here
Talking about non-suicidal self-injury
The 4-hour Mental Health First Aid for Non-Suicidal Self-Injury course is for any interested adult. This course gives participants an opportunity to learn how to help someone who is engaging in self-injury.
Half day (on-campus): Enquire here
Talking about suicide
The 4-hour Mental Health First Aid Conversations about Suicide course is for any interested adult. You will learn the skills and acquire the knowledge required to safely have a conversation with a suicidal person.
Half day (on-campus): Enquire here
Mental health awareness for supervisors
The impacts of mental ill health in the workplace are increasingly being recognised and understood. This course will help those who supervise staff to understand what is happening for people living with mental ill health, the impact on team members and the work environment and effective ways of supporting individuals living with mental ill health as well as the rest of the team.
Half day (on-campus): Enquire here